Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Jamaa Journal Sneak Peak

Well, I'm back again! Today there weren't anymore new items, so I figured I'd base the update post today off of the sneak peak AJHQ recently released. To start it off, here is the Daily Explorer update.
 The Daily Explorer update leads right into the next part of this post... the video. Here is the sneak peak video that they showed us.
So, first of all, it looks like the Jamaalidays are finally returning to Jamaa tomorrow. I'm also assuming that Jamaaliday rescue will be released (the seasonal adventure), the advent calendar will start, and that Non-Members will now be able to create masterpieces.
After watching the sneak peak, what do you guys think? Make sure to come back soon for more posts, and the update post for tomorrow. Until next time, bye guys!

P.S. I forgot to remind you about the Jamaaliday Scavenger Hunt, which starts tomorrow! Read the post about it to find more information! Now I'm actually ending this post, so goodbye.

A Jammer's Dream, Book 3: Greatness is Earned - Part 5

Hey guys! Today is the final day of November, and the Jamaaliday Scavenger hunt will begin tomorrow. There will also be many updates in AJ itself.
Now, let's move on. For the morning post today, I will be posting the fifth part of A Jammer's Dream, Book 3. Make sure to read the other books and parts before reading this one. Also, there may be errors, because I haven't done my final checking on it. This is also the last pat of the third book. Book four will be coming out soon, so stay tuned! Now, here it is.

A Jammer's Dream, Book 3: Greatness is Earned - Part 5
Immediately, many animals sprint into the bush dens, taking cover. But the strongest of them stay in sight, ready to fight the Phantoms. As they approach, I stand by Nova.
“This is it. We have to fight to the death if needed,” I take a deep breath as the Phantom hit the ground and start dashing towards us.
Faber rushes towards the first Phantom, which is the king. The Phantom King struggles with Faber, but Faber bites down onto its neck, not letting go. As the Phantom King struggles, Faber tosses it against the cliff, and it falls down dead.
Are the Phantoms already going to retreat at their King’s death? That’s what is supposed to happen. But they don’t. At least five more Phantom Kings are now in the distance, coming towards us.
“Everyone charge towards them all!” Faber orders, calling the start of the battle. We all rush towards the Phantoms.
I grab a phantom with my claws and rip it in half. Black goo falls out. Nova laughs a little at the sight. Then she swipes three Phantoms with her claws, and they all fall down. Rocky pin a large, fat phantom down and kills it.
However, now many more phantoms are spawning in with the help of the Kings. This battle is going to get hard.
I see Keenen drawing out his small sword, chopping apart the Phantoms as they ambush him. At least twenty Phantoms try to ambush me, but I become aware of all my surroundings and knock every one of them out when they try to strike me. All of the smaller Phantoms are dead… but now much bigger and fatter Phantoms are approaching. Two of them try to squash me, but I dodge them. I can see Dawn and Mincero fighting side by side, destroying many of the Phantoms. Rapicik and Faber also fight side by side, have no trouble at all.
Sinsar lights off an explosive, and it kills at least thirty of the fat Phantoms. But they continue to come, and each time, they get bigger. Nova is now struggling as five, absolutely humongous Phantoms ambush her. I race to her side and help her fight them off.  
“Help! Cup! Please!” I hear the cry of Keenen as many of the huge Phantoms ambush him from each side. His sword isn’t protecting him now. Keenen tries to fight off the Phantoms, but he can’t do it. They pin him down, and I can’t get to his side as the Phantoms block my pathway, shoving me away with their strong tentacles.
“Keenen!” I shriek. He isn’t in sight now as the Phantoms gobble him up like they don’t care at all.
“No! Keenen! Please! You Phantoms are pure evil! Evil!” I scream at the top of my lungs. A tear rolls down my cheek.
“I’m so sorry, Cup,” i can hear Roland’s low voice from behind me.
I turn back, accepting the fact that Keenen has been killed. I have more animals to worry about. More tears roll down my face in streams, but I ignore the pain and anger. I will help the others. The Phantoms will pay, however.
I am now fighting with Roland, Nova and Rocky as the Phantoms become even more difficult to fight. Nova kills one of the larger Phantoms, while Rocky and i pin one down together, killing it. Roland then follows and pins one down. He also kills it.
The battle continues and everyone is now starting to get weary. The Phantoms just keep getting bigger and bigger, and much harder to fight.
“Cup! Watch out!” I hear the screech of Nymin as he warns me. I barely dodge a large Phantom, but it crashes into a jagged rocks and dies from the wounds. I thank Nymin for saving me. Nymin and Marr are now both fighting by all of us, and it seems like Zone Two could now actually win the battle.
“Where are Karant and Brent? Why aren’t they fighting with us?” I can hear Roland growl as he pins down a large Phantom and kills it with his sharp teeth.
I know the truth. But sadly, I can’t say anything…
Rapicik tosses a large Phantom straight through the air, and we all stop in amazement to see his strength. Faber then kills off a large Phantom with only one of his claws. The battle is getting easier, but there are still many more Phantoms coming down towards us.
Maybe I’ve spoken too soon. Now it seems as if hundreds of phantom Kings, the largest type of Phantoms, are coming down. To win this battle, we must kill every one of them.
Dawn is the first to kill a Phantom King coming down. He pin it down and tears it apart. Mincero then does the same, while Faber and Rapicik work side by side to take them all down. Sinsar throws explosives at many of the mobs, and they work really well. Ajing is now joining in on the fight, and woah, he is a very good fighter. He slaughters a Phantom King within seconds, swiping at its heart with his razor sharp claws. He is pretty fast, too, so he dodges many of the electric volts that the Phantoms try to hit him with.
Out of nowhere, Katira the wolf comes to help us. She rushes into the battle and joins us by my side.
“Cup, your father is in danger. And I was just told that Karant wants you to visit him tonight… in the Crystal Cave,” Katira whispers in my ear as we both fight the Phantom Kings together. I nod, with a thousand thoughts flowing in my head. But I can only focus on one thing right now, and that’s winning this battle.
As we continue fighting, I hear a scream. A Phantom King has Ajing in his grasp, and the Phantom is cutting off his circulation. Ajing goes limp, and he’s dead. The Phantom King tosses him against the cliff, making sure to end him if he has any life left.
This just fuels my anger even more. I am so determined to fight. The next Phantom King tries to attack me, but I easily dodge it with extreme speed. I Swipe my sharp claws against it as it goes by. Then, when it turns around, I pounce onto it, and I end it for good. Another Phantom King tries to attack me from behind, but I jump into the air and land on it, pinning it down. I kill it with ease.
In the distance, I can see Mincero struggling as seven Phantom Kings attack him. He kills one, but the rest of them pin him down. But Dawn saves him when he picks up three of the Phantom Kings and sends them flying through the air. Mincero gets back up, and kills of the rest of the Phantom Kings attacking him.
Rapicik kills a Phantom King, and I can see that his fur is covered in blood. I can’t tell if it’s from him, or the Phantoms. But wait… it must be from him. The Phantoms have black goo for blood.
Faber also looks tired. He has bloodstains all over his fur. He struggles while fighting yet another five Phantom Kings, but he manages to take them all down with the help of Rapicik. Then I realize everyone is worn out, just by the looks on their faces. I look down at myself. Blood is soaking my fur.
Just then, I turn around to see that a Phantom King has Roland. Roland claws and bites it, but the Phantom King just ignores the pain. The Phantom picks Roland up with ease, despite everyone trying to help Roland. Roland is thrown in the opposite direction, and he lands right by the cliff. He begins sliding over, but his paws barely catch onto the smooth concrete forming the top of the mountain. Down below are the jagged, sharp rocks where Padanda herself died. Roland looks extremely scared and his eyes get really big. His claws begin sliding off the edge and then he falls down to his horrible death in the rocks.
I can hear the gasp of many as they realize Roland is now dead. But it just makes me even more determined to fight these evil creatures. They invade us and kill my kind. But I fight back.
Nova and I fight side by side, despite our exhaustion. It is now the afternoon and a heavy snow begins to fall. It looks like we’re in for a blizzard.
Suddenly, while I’m lost in thought, a Phantom King pins me down to the cold ground covered in newly fallen snow. He’s about to kill me when Nova pounces on him and kills him. I thank her, then we all continue fighting.
I kill another Phantom King, and another. I’m on a roll again, and this is all revenge for them killing my friends. Nova and I fight side by side once more as the battle comes to an end.
The snow is now lightly falling as we all stare at what is going on up ahead. Dawn is being attacked the largest Phantom King. But Faber is now sprinting towards Dawn, and he pounces onto the largest Phantom today, knocking it off of him. He then pick the Phantom King up, and tosses it towards Rapicik, who is ready. Rapicik opens his mouth widely, and when the Phantom is near him, Rapicik clamps down on the Phantom King, making it squeal in pain. Rapicik twists his head to rip apart the gigantic Phantom. Black goo sprays out of the Phantom Corpse, and then Rapicik drops it. The last of the Phantoms have been killed.

“We thank you all for your patience, and we have won the battle. But several have died. I would like to thank Keenen, Ajing and Roland for their services. They all fought well and I am so angry for their deaths,” Faber announces. It is now late at night and the whole Zone is having a meeting in the arena. The battle ended earlier, and now Faber is announcing everything that is to come for Zone Two.
“I know that many Phantom Kings could not come out of nowhere. Somebody must’ve spawned them in. I have no idea who it is was, but they shall pay. And I have a feeling it has something to do with the dangers lying in Jamaa. Once we have checked the perimeters and made sure no Phantoms are still around, we shall begin our journey to the land of Jamaa,” explains Faber.
“And when we find who caused this battle today, they will be destroyed,” Faber’s grin turns to a dead serious scowl. The anger in his eyes is so strong that it sends shivers down my spine. Whoever did this is going to pay.
“That is the end of this meeting. Everyone prepare for the journey,” Faber finishes, suddenly jumping down from the tallest jagged rock and heading towards his bush den to gather some things. He, along with Rapicik, Dawn, Mincero and some of the other fighters of Zone Two are going to search for any signs of the Phantoms again. Once they are sure there are no more, we will leave for Jamaa.
As Nova walk to the bush dens with Rocky, I sneak off in the direction of the Crystal Cave. I haven’t forgotten what Katira told me during the battle. I know this is the time to save my father from Karant and Brent. I just know it is.
As I walk down the dirt path, a shiver goes down my spine yet again. What could Karant and Brent be doing to him? I have to get there, and fast. I sneak down it a quickly as possible. The snow makes it hard to see, but luckily, it also makes sure that nobody realizes I’m going in here. Nobody can see me through the swirlign snow unless they had a torch. I finally make it to the entrance of the cave, and I go inside of it.
“Well, well, well! If it isn’t Cup!” I spot Karant laughing with Brent in the corner of the Crystal Cave. Karant and Brent both have my father, Zikah, pinned down. Brent has his claws against Zikah’s throat so he doesn’t move.
“So, Cup! It all comes down to this. If you try to rescue him, we’ll kill you. If you don’t, your father will be so ashamed in you!” Karant chuckles with that evil grin on his face. I’d like to smack it off.
“And if you leave, you’d have to go through me first!” Katira’s voice alarms me as I turn around to see her now at the entrance of the cave.
“But Katira! I thought you were against what they do!” I say in pure shock.
“Nope, Cup. As if I ever cared about you!” laughs Katira.
My face begins to turn red with embarrassment. What am I going to do?
“Don’t worry Cup, I’ve got her,” I can hear a familiar voice shout. Suddenly, Rocky bursts into the Crystal Cave and pins Katira to the ground. She tries to get up, but Rocky’s grip is much too strong for her.
“Free your father! I’ll hold her off!” Rocky orders. I don’t hesitate. I dash towards Brent first. He tries to in me down, but I dodge him easily, and swipe my left claw down his face. He squeals and staggers back. But in his place comes Karant. Karant barrels into me, knocking me off my paws. He pins me to the ground, securing all places. But as he brings his mouth down to bite into my neck, he doesn’t see it when I open up my mouth quickly, and bite down hard on his head when it enter my mouth. He struggles in my grip and immediately lets go of me. I hang out, biting down harder and harder, just like I did with Jalar. Finally, Karant gets out of the grip and shoves me against the wall. He claws me against the face, and then I get a glimpse at him. His snout is just bone. I’ve ripped the skin off of the front part of his face and blood is pouring out. We stare at each other for a moment, locking down eyes. But then I pounce forward with all of my strength and attack him in the face again. As I pin him down, Brent bites my tail. I quickly use my hind legs to swipe him across the face, and he staggers back. I then turn around to see Karant staring me down again. As quick as possible, he pounces onto me and pins me down.
“Any last words, Cup?” I can hear him snicker despite his messed up face.
“Yeah! You’re pretty stupid to leave your neck wide open!” I laugh. Before he can do anything, I bite his neck that is left unblocked. He squirms around in my grasp, but this time, I’ve weakened him too much for him to get out. Slowly, he dies from the wound in his neck.
I step off of him, and wipe the blood of my snout. A lot of deaths have happened today.
“Now, Katira, you wouldn’t want to fight two of us, right?” Rocky grins as he continues holding her down.
“Yes! I mean no! I mean, ugh! No! Just let me get out of here!” Katira cries underneath Rocky’s strong grasp.
“Then let’s restart. Act like this never happened, and we won’t say a word to Faber. If that happens, then we can all be friends again. But if you do, I can say everything I want to Faber. I have the witnesses of Cup and Zikah, so you can’t stop us. And remember what you did today was wrong,” Rocky growls. He finally lets go of Katira, and she dashes out of the Crystal Cave.
“Now, what should we do with you?” Rocky, Zikah and I all turn to Brent, who is lying in the corner of the cave, wounded. He looks scared.
“Just because of all the deaths, we should let you go. But don’t say a word about it, or we can kill you and tell Faber. We will have permission since you’ve done a terrible deed. But remember what we said, little one. And by the way, you should really be trained or something,” I mock Brent. He shivers in the corner.
“Let’s go, Cup. Thanks for saving me. I thought so many times you’d never come. But you have. You are the best son an animal could have,” Zikah smiles.
“I’m not the only person to thank. If it wasn’t for Rocky, I would’ve had to fight three animals at once. That would’ve had a bad outcome for me!” I say out loud. Rocky smiles.
“I think we can actually be friends, Cup. I’m glad,” Rocky whispers as we exit the Crystal Cave and out into the now calm weather. The snow has finished falling, and blankets of it cover every inch of Zone Two.
“Cup! Rocky! Where have you two been?” Nova comes rushing to our sides.
I look at Rocky. He looks at me.
“We were just messing around in the Dream World,” Rocky says out loud. I nod, going along with the lie. Nova doesn’t really think about it, but she is just glad we’re okay.
“So, Dad, we have to journey back to Jamaa soon. I bet you’ll like it now!” I tell my father.
“I’ll give it a try. But i’m nervous about seeing your mother again,” Zikah- no, my father- responds.
“Don’t worry. She’s missed you,” I comfort him.
“Hey, Cup! I just wanted to tell you that you fought really good during that battle!” Marr rushes up to my side.
“Thanks, you did too!” I tell him.
“Yeah, Cup! You killed so many of the Phantom Kings!” Nymin laughs.
“It was so cool to watch!” Marr smiles. I smile back. Then I spot Faber calling everyone for a Zone meeting in the arena. All of us head towards the arena and sit down.
“I saw you fighting during the battle. You could probably defeat me in a battle right now,” Mincero laughs as he settles down beside me.
“I doubt it, you’re a pretty strong animal,” I respond.
“Even I believe it. Cup, I’m glad that you’ve found who you are. You are the one to save Jamaa!” I can hear Dawn’s approval of my fighting skills. I jump for joy on the inside. Dawn is one of the toughest animals to impress.
“Yes, Cup, you have improved a lot,” Rapicik settles down in front of me. I suddenly feel famous. Everybody likes me, and they are sitting by me and giving me compliments.
Nova smiles at me. I smile at her. Then it looks like she’s about to say something.
“Cup, it’s funny how we went from being the most unliked animals in Jamaa, to some of the most liked,” Nova smiles.
“That’s true, isn’t it? Everything has actually payed off!” I brighten up, Before we can talk anymore, Faber interrupts, beginning the meeting.
“Sinsar, tell everybody what we have found,” Faber announces. Why is Sinsar speaking during this meeting?
“On the check for Phantoms, we found none. But we found an underground cavern filled with tigers. They told us a tiger named Gilbert had disappeared long ago, and we told them about him being in Jamaa. They explained that they sensed a betrayal coming towards Jamaa, and an old enemy would return. They told me this because they get weird visions about a mysterious place they didn’t know, but they believe it is Jamaa. So a betrayal is going to happen there, and an old enemy shall return,” Sinsar finishes.
A betrayal? And who is this old enemy?
Oh no. It just can’t be.
It all make sense now. The betrayal. Somebody could’ve used the Dream World to bring Kurkah back to life. And Kurkah sent the Phantoms to us in many numbers. Only he could do that. Is Kurkah going to destroy Jamaa next? Is he trying to stop us?
But wait! Who would be evil enough to bring Kurkah back to life? Who would bring him back from the Dream World?
It looks like there are two animals behind the future destruction of Jamaa.

“I’m glad you didn’t forget, Cup,” Ersel laughs quietly. It looks like he’s been in many battles since the last time I saw him. His black fur is torn in places and his ice blue eyes are becoming red with exhaustion. I am currently in his room in the underground world where the Tribe of Ersel Animals live. I remember he told me that on the way back I should stop by, since he had something for me. And now I am ready to get it. There is something covered up by a blanket in the corner of the wooden room. The torch is the only light as I creep towards the item. Ersel, nods, allowing me to go forward. I take off the blanket, and on the other side there is a glowing orb.
“We can use it to communicate together, Cup. If Jamaa is in any danger, just tap it twice, and it’ll make a loud noise. Then I can come and talk to you,” explains Ersel.
“Thanks, Ersel,” I stare at the glowing object.
“Now you should go and save Jamaa from the dangers. Oh, wait!” Ersel says.
“Yes?” I question. What does he want?
“I had a vision. It was about someone returning to Jamaa, an old enemy. I have no clue who it is, but I think it might be someone to destroy Jamaa. Be on the lookout, Cup. it looked like a dark black figure.”

So Kurkah will probably be returning to Jamaa soon. But we are going to be ready for him.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Departing Spring Throne, Daily Explorer Update and Weird Comparison

Alright, hey guys (a throwback to the old Julian2), it's time for another post! Today has been alright for me, but now that the new Trimester of school is here, we've started a new unit. And since I'm n Advanced Math, I do the math ahead of my grade. So 8th grade math is what I have to do currently. I also feel like algebra is the base of all math now, because we always use variables now. But I'll be studying that later. Today I'm finally back on track. Thanksgiving break affected this, but now this last three weeks of school before Christmas break are when I will reboot my school life again. The funny part, though, is that I'll have an even longer break coming up soon, which is for Christmas. 
Anyways, let's move on from the things going on in my life. Here is the newest item- oh, wait a second. I couldn't find any new items today. However, today is the last day to pick up a Spring Throne! It is leaving to make room for all of the Jamaaliday and Winter items. 
That picture literally took 5 minutes to load... and I have no idea why.
Now, here is the Daily Explorer update released today.
 This makes me think of Spongebob. I bet you guys know why.
Finally, I was in the Diamond Shop searching for new updates when someone said "cool Neverland boy outfit". Now, I saw this, and then I looked at my outfit. Woah, guys, guys, guys... I never realized this, but my main look is similar to Peter Pan. Thanks to that Jammer for saying so, because I never realized this.

I don't know how I didn't notice the similarities. They're so obvious!
Before I end this post, I'd like to remind you that the AJ Spring Jamaaliday Scavenger Hunt starts on Thursday, December 1st. Don't forget to read the morning posts each day from then until Christmas, because you can win a prize! To learn more information about this 25 day event, click here
Anyways, that's all I have for this post! I hope you guys enjoyed, and make sure to return soon for more posts. Bye!

Rooms of Jamaa, Episode 12: Sol Arcade

Finally, I am making a proper morning post again! Yesterday I was so caught off guard and I didn't really accomplish anything in IRL, or on AJ, either. Today I'm hoping that won't happen again. But anyways, let's move on. Today we'll be doing another episode of Rooms of Jamaa. For this episode, the Sol Arcade is the main topic. I'm giving credits to the Animal Jam Wiki for this information!
- An alien like creature can be seen in the window sometimes above the entrance inside. 
- River Race used to be here, but it was replaced by Splash and Dash.
- It's the only Arcade in Jamaa.
- There is a glitch where you can walk over the doorway outside.
- The land version of Best Dressed can be played in the Sol Arcade, but the underwater version can't.
- There is a den based off of the Sol Arcade, which can be bought in the Diamond Shop.
- There is a boarded up, secret door in the Sol Arcade that's bee there forever. What could it lead to?
- When the mouse is hovering over the entrance, there is a creaking sound, despite there being no door.

Yes, that's all my information on the Sol Arcade. I hope you guys enjoyed the post! Also, before I leave, I do want to show you the Rare Item from yesterday that I didn't post about. It made me pretty happy!
So yeah, AJHQ is starting to get into the Jamaaliday spirit! I'm surprised however that they haven't really mentioned it in the Jamaa Journal or Daily Explorer. The Gift calendar is starting Thursday, and they should update Animal Jam for winter by then. The only other reminder I have is for the AJ Spring Jamaaliday Scavenger Hunt. Click on this link to find more about it!
Anyways, that's all I have for this post. I hope you guys enjoyed it, and I'll see you later!

Monday, November 28, 2016

Jamaaliday Scavenger Hunt Reminder

For today's morning post, I couldn't really think of anything that great to post about. But I am going to remind you that the Jamaaliday Scavenger Hunt will be starting on December 1st! Make sure to go and read that post for directions. But I have to go now, and yes, this is a short post. I'm sorry, but this won't happen again this week. Anyways, until my next post, bye guys!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

A Jammer's Dream, Book 3: Greatness is Earned - Part 4

Yes, here is part of of A Jammer's Dream, Book 3: Greatness is Earned! There may be a few mistakes, but ignore them. Enjoy this part, and make sure to read all the other before reading this!

A Jammer's Dream, Book 3: Greatness is Earned - Part 4
Nova and I continue walking silently through the moonlit clearing. We don’t speak at all in fear of awakening someone. That would be the last thing we want when we’re about to enter the Dream World itself.
In the dim moonlight, I spot the dirt path before Nova. She nods, and we both begin taking it. I stare into the bushes surrounding us making sure nobody is watching us.
“Umm… Cup? Did you hear that?” I hear Nova ask in such a quiet voice I can barely hear her.
I don’t respond. I grab her, and we both quickly dash behind the nearest bush.
Time flies. Nothing happens. The moonlight remains as bright as possible, and no sound can be heard. What kind of sound did Nova hear?
“Cup and Nova. Come out please,” Faber suddenly demands in a hoarse voice.
We both come out from behind the bush and spot Faber, standing in the moonlight. He looks extremely tired and worried. His eyelids are barely open and his eyes are pretty red.
“Please- do not enter the Dream World.”
“But Faber!” I begin begging for him to allow us to go there.
“Cup, it is dangerous. I was looking in my globe and saw you two in the Dream World. I cannot let that happen. Cup, you have to understand.”
“I have to find out answers. I am too confused. I just can’t live like this!” a small tear rolls down my cheek.
“Maybe you should listen, Cup. Maybe it actually is too dangerous…” Nova suddenly sounds like another animal. But she was going to go with me! What is making her change her mind?
“Nova! Please!” I beg.
“Cup… I’m sorry,” Nova suddenly brings her head to stare down. Then she trots silently back to the bush dens.
“She is right, Cup. I’m sorry about the truth,” Faber sighs.
I remain calm. I’m not going to let my anger take over now.
“Faber, train me. Train me now,” I become serious. If Nova doesn’t want to help me find answers, maybe I can find answers by myself. Maybe I can find answers by becoming the one to save Jamaa.
Faber brightens up, seemingly expecting this.
“We shall begin. I will teach you every move possible until you feel like dying,” Faber laughs.
I nod in understanding. This is exactly what I need. I need to train to get better- and maybe I can find all the answers in myself.
Faber takes me to the clearing, where the arena still lies.
“Faber- was I wrong to kill Jalar?” I silently whisper.
“It does prove you are improving. But it is wrong to kill another member, even if they are a jerk. I was going to punish you, but I decided I would just train you day and night from now on,” Faber smirks a little. I don’t respond. I just continue staring at the bare ground.
And then he begins teaching me more moves. We start off with an attacking move to strike first on your opponent. I don’t master it on my first try, but after several practices, I finally get the hang of it. I was always too shy to go to a battle training meeting in Jamaa. But now I am the new and improved Cup. The one to save Jamaa.
We continue trying out moves. I learn several more and master them easily. Now faber looks even more exhausted, but he doesn’t stop spitting out moves for me to try out. I continue, using all of my strength and courage for each one of them. I need to prove that I am strong. Not just physically, but also mentally.
As the night continues, the arena begins to brighten up. The moon is starting to disappear and Dawn swallows up the night sky. Light begins spreading across Zone Two, and I become more encouraged to train. Birds start chirping as I practice my next move: how to fight off someone faster than you. I learn that you must be aware of all the possible places around you that they could attack from. When you are ready for them in any area, you can catch them off guard by grabbing their claws with yours, and then flinging them through the air. Faber brings out Roland for me to practice this move on. Roland looks like he just woke up, so this has to be easy since he is also exhausted.
Roland is petty fast, I have to admit it. But I’m ready for him in every area. Each time he attempts to strike me, I catch him with my front claws and toss him a little ways away. I am finally building up my confidence.
“Great job, Cup,” Faber congratulates me.
“Just remember- don’t become too confident. There is always, always, always going to be someone that will be tougher than you,” guarantees Faber.
I nod. I know this is true. There’s no possible way I’m the toughest animal in the whole entire world.
We continue training, and each time the moves get harder. Morning finally arrives and many members of Zone Two are waking up. However, I still continue my battle training with Faber, even though I’ve now been awake for hours practicing.
Animals begin gathering around the arena to watch my training. Everyone seems fascinated by me, but I have no idea what is so great about myself.
Another move that Faber teaches me about is one of the best moves he knows about. When you’ve mastered many of the moves, there is always one move that works best: faking it. Yes, faking it. If you’re faking it by swiping a claw at an opponent’s face, they might try to block it, but in reality, you’re about to use your other claw to attack them. I try this with Roland, and it really, really helps. Roland didn’t hear about what I was planning to do because Faber sent him way for a moment. He doesn’t expect it when I carefully swipe him across the face with my opposite claw.
We finish up my training, and I am now beginning to feel weary. It’s afternoon and I’ve learned so many moves. However, I remember each and every one of them, and I will not forget any. What I have learned today is something I will remember forever.
The days continue. Nova and I start to become farther and farther apart again. I still don’t like the memory of when she betrayed me. She was going to come to the Dream World with me, but no… she didn’t even defend me that night. She is close to Rocky again now and they hang out every day and night. I still remember the Dream World, however. I will go there someday, but now isn’t the time. The weather is starting to get colder as Winter approaches. I get so much better at fighting with my training from Faber, however. I don’t really talk to anybody as the days go by, however. It’s almost as if I’m trapped in my own little world.
“Hey, Cup, it’s time for your final battle!” I can hear the joyful sound of Marr, who is getting pretty buff. I am much bigger and stronger than I used to be now. I grunt while getting up. I must’ve slept on the wrong side last night.
I prance out of the bush dens, leaving Rocky and Nova behind. My father is still gone, and I already know where he is. Maybe soon I’ll be able to confront Jalar and Brent myself with all of this training I’ve been doing.
Outside, a cold wind makes me shiver. The sky is gray and mostly everybody is inside. I head to where the arena is, and when I’m there, I can see Rapicik and Faber sitting side by side, ready to see how much I’ve improved.
“Cup, how come we haven’t spoken to each other in such a long time?” I can hear Rapicik wondering when I walk into the arena.
“I’ve just been busy,” I respond quickly.
“Okay then, but if there’s anything wrong, you can always tell me,” assures Rapicik in an understand voice.
“Alright, Cup. For your final battle, you will be taking on one of the toughest members in my Zone,” says faber, grunting.
Then a dark, shady figure comes out from behind the nearest bush. A large, black panther hops down into the arena.
“Remember, Ajing, do not kill,” Faber raises his eyebrows.
“Let the final battle begin!” Faber immediately shouts after the warning. I pounce onto Ajing the panther almost instantaneously. I am about to pin him down but he is super fast and gets out of my grip. He begins to dance around, ready to attack, but I know how to get out of this move. I make sure I’m aware of every area surrounding me. When he’s about to strike, I jump into the air and come crashing down onto him. He is surprised, and I can hear his gasp. He tosses me off with ease, but I fall onto my paws. As he rushes towards me, I fake a blow at his head, and he tries to block it. Right as he does this, I swipe my right claw against his face, making him stagger back. I then sprint at him and pin him down with ease. He can’t get up.
“Good job, young one,” Ajing manages to say as he struggles beneath my grasp.
I let him go, and turn to see the impressed faces of Faber and Rapicik.
“Good job, Cup!” I can hear Marr congratulating me.
“Do you know what this means, Cup?” Faber asks.
I don’t respond. I do know what it means, and I think he understands I do.
“You have completed training. You are the one to save Jamaa,” Faber dips his head in respect. Rapicik immediately follows, then Ajing, and finally Marr.
The one to save Jamaa. We had to find Faber because… because…
Jamaa needs his help!
“Oh, Faber, I just remembered! We need you back in Jamaa!” I gasp. Rapicik’s ears suddenly twitch, and he also remembers.
“You shall leave in the morning. There is a blizzard approaching, but it should be over by then,” Faber assures.
“But what about you?” I ask. Rapicik then stares at Faber.
“I shall come. So will all of Zone Two. We will stay until all of this danger in Jamaa ends,” Faber smiles widely. I grin, and Rapicik follows.
“What has made your sudden change of plans occur?” I can hear Rapicik ask Faber as I exit the arena.
“I went to the Dream World last night, and I could see something weird… something dangerous. It looked like animals coming towards Jamaa. And they’re coming soon. I know it’s not us because it’s, well, just not our shape,” Faber explains in a low voice. Rapicik nods, thinking about it.
The Dream World. I am finally free from Faber telling me not go there. Tonight I will, and there will be nobody to stop me.

I sneak out of the bush dens and out into the dark gray, winter night sky. There are no stars in sight but the moon shines bright. I go out in the learning and away from the bush dens. I look over my shoulder to see if I am being followed. Nope. I am good to go. I continue walking quietly through the clearing on top of the mountain. Far in the distance, I can see a large, beautiful lake on the mountaintop It’s frozen over, but I believe winter makes things more beautiful. The moonlight shines on the reflecting ice over it and I stop for a moment to observe it. I absolutely love winter.
After a few moments, I continue my quest to the Dream World. What answers do I really want to seek out?
Then, as I make it past the arena, I can hear some rustling in a bush den nearby. I freeze in my spot, but after a few minutes, I figure that nobody is awake in it. A light snow begins to fall as I find the dirt path that leads into the cliff. Inside of the cliff is the crystal cave, where I can visit the Dream World, and take a huge risk.
Finally, I make it inside of the crystal cave. I manage to squeeze through the narrow crack and into the opening, where the giant crystal glow. And to my surprise, Nova is standing on top of the tallest crystal. By her side is Rocky. How did I not notice they were gone?
Rocky jumps down from the top of the crystal, and walks right up and stares into my face. He snickers a little bit, but then Nova tells him to stop.
Rocky suddenly sits down in front of me and sucks in a lot of air.
“Cup, I’m sorry,” he finally says.
“I know that you’ve known Nova a lot longer, and you’re more deserving to have her as your friend. Of course, I’m a lion, and I don’t really fit in with you guys. But I tried to take you away from her. I tried to make you feel horrible. And I do realize it, now. Can we just all be friends?” Rocky now sounds more serious than ever.
“How do I know you’re not just being told by Nova to do this? Do you even mean it?” I get into his face, growling while baring my teeth.
“Yes, I really do,” Rocky says, not flinching.
I stare at him for what seems like a million years. Then I nod, accepting his apology.
“Now please, go away. I have to do something. But I’ll talk to you both later,” I promise.
“No, Cup! I am going to visit the Dream World with you,” Nova raises her head after listening to the conversation between Rocky and I.
“I guess I will too. I’ll help you both,” Rocky joins in.
“What is making you suddenly change your mind?” I question Nova.
“That night I wasn’t thinking. I was thinking about Rocky. But then I realized you could both be my friends, without suffering over your bickering. But I tried to act like I really meat it, so I didn’t want to admit I didn’t want to go to the Dream World because I was about to speak with Rocky. Cup, I am terribly sorry about it all. This isn’t who I am,” responds Nova, staring at me with a tear rolling down her cheek.
“Apology accepted. Let’s do this,” a grin creeps onto my face. Nova brightens up, and for the first time in forever, it seems as if all three of us can be friends. Nova must’ve had to do a lot of convincing with Rocky to do this.
“Now, Rocky, stay with us in the Dream World. It’s super dangerous. We have to-” I begin to say, but Nova instantly interrupts.
“I already explained to him everything. I’m sure he’ll be fine,” she says.
I nod. Then we all hop on to the top of the giant crystal, and begin to sleep.

A pitch black darkness appears as I remember how to enter the Dream World. Rocky and Nova both appear shortly after.
“Alright, Cup. This is all you. Are we visiting the past or the future?” asks Nova, squinting in the darkness.
“The future of Jamaa. Starting now!” I scream quite loudly. Rocky, Nova and I all whisk away into thin air.
“We’re home!” Rocky happily squeals when he spots the familiar sights of Jamaa Township.
“Not quite…” Nova says, looking astonished. I spot the passageway right in plain sight. It must be invisible to the figures of the future, but visible to us.
It’s a gray sky covering the land of Jamaa in the earliest future. We must be a second in the future. A few Jammers are outside swapping their items for other things. The cold, frosty air bites their fur like a wolf, so not many of them are outside. A light snow is falling, and the whole place seems gloomy.
“There’s not going to be anything here. We have to visit the forest surrounding Jamaa, where there are supposedly a group of animals racing towards the town,” I explain. Then I start thinking about the forest around Jamaa, while the others do, too. We appear in it, but it’s at the exact same time in the future as the other Jamaa Township. It reminds me of teleportation.
“We can’t stay here long, but we have to travel through many of these passageways to get farther into the future. I don’t see anything here,” I assure. Rocky nods. Nova continues staring at the white forest covered in snow. It’s a beautiful sight, but we can’t stay,
“There’s the passageway into the deeper future!” Nova points a small vortex floating in the air. The purple light of it creeps me out as we enter. Now we’re a few seconds farther into the future. I believe that each vortex goes a certain amount of time into the past or future, so if we’re lucky, we can get one that goes much further into it.
“Keep going through the vortexes until you see that group of animals! Do it as quick as possible!” I demand while racing through the tons of vortexes. If we don’t hurry, one will shut down and we will be stuck in the Dream World until our sleeping bodies die. The white forest begins to become greener as we travel through many more of the vortexes. Then spring arrives in the forests’ future, and we all have to stop for a few seconds to catch our breath.
“How many passageways have we already been through?” I pant.
“I don’t know, but our break time is up,” Nova says. I barely get any glimpses of the following periods of time since we’re going so fast through the passageways by each other. I know summer is now getting earby since no snow is on the ground and flowers are blooming everywhere. Colors swirl around me as race through the portals of the Dream World. And finally, in the middle of a summer night, I can spot at least a thousand animals racing through the night. Nova, Rocky and I stop dead in our tracks. The night is lit by many torches the animals are carrying. I can’t make out what the animals are, but I can see that they are big. There’s a mix between the sizes at the front of the line, however. There are no dead leaves that will crunch beneath my paws, so I move closer to get a better look at the animals. I try to spot them, but I still can’t. The night sky isn’t visible with all of the evergreen trees in this forest, and the green bushes around blocking the animals make it hard to see. All I can tell is that they are carrying torches, and heading towards… Jamaa Township? What has happened to it?
An opening is in the forest nearby, where no trees surround me and bushes are nowhere to be seen. Out in the opening, I can see Jamaa Township in the far away distance, but I can only see it because of the fire burning near it, lighting it up.  It looks absolutely devastated from battle, with smoke rising from it, and broken scraps even visible from here. I gasp, staggering back. What has happened to Jamaa? And what are these mysterious animals going to do?
“Come on, Cup. We shouldn’t stay any longer It’s time to head back,” Nova warns. Rocky nods, scared about the thought of a passageway shutting down.
Then I make my way back to the passageway, and all three of us begin racing through the portals. We actually manage to make it back to the pitch black base are of the Dream World. We survived, and I got to see the ‘animals running towards Jamaa’ vision myself! I’ve proved Faber, Dawn, Mincero and Sinsar wrong. I traveled through the Dream World and I survived!
“Guys, if we survived that time, we could survive again. I want to see the future of Zone Two,” Rocky suddenly suggests after we all catch our breath from running through the passageways.
That’s a good point. Nova nods, agreeing. Then we all begin to think about Zone Two in the future. We are immediately taken to the future of Zone Two, where it is still night outside, but it is a few seconds in the future.
We look around. The clearing is in sight. The arena still lies in the same spot, and everyone is seeping in the bush dens. The dark winter sky is still there and the frozen pond lies a little ways away. But wait- what is that glowing thing by Faber’s bush den?
The passageway.
“Guys, I found the next passageway!” I announce. Rocky and Nova both turn my way, and I point at the portal leading farther into the future. The three of us sprint towards it, and begin going through each portal after another to view the future of Zone Two.
It doesn’t take long before something terrible happens. After going through maybe ten portals, it is tomorrow morning. Some of the portals must’ve skipped more time. After all, these portals have a mind of their own. But that’s not the point.
“Guys… what is that dark, gray cloud covering the sky? And why is it moving?” I point out. Nova stares at it immediately, and Rocky follows. The cloud is moving down towards Zone Two. It looks like it is made up many, many much smaller, living things. Black things. And then I spot an electricity bolt coming out of one of them. I squint my eyes, and to my surprise, I find out that the Phantoms are invading Zone Two tomorrow night.
“Guys! Zone Two is going to be invaded by Phantoms tomorrow morning!” I gasp. Then we turn back and sprint through the portals, ready to warn Faber of the news.
Back in the pitch black base, we catch our breath almost immediately. Then we begin speaking about the upcoming Phantom Invasion on Zone Two.
“We have to warn Faber. I can’t believe the Phantoms know about this place!” Nova is the first person to speak up.
“Let’s go right now. Come on, guys,” I respond.
And with that, we all think about waking up. That is exactly what happens. We find ourselves sitting on top of the tall crystal in the cave.
“Hurry! Let’s go!” I charge forward, exiting the Crystal Cave as fast as possible. We exit it and run outside to see Dawn covering the mountaintop. But that doesn't stop us to look. We race towards faber’s den, almost trip over each other entering it, and start shrieking his name.
“Faber! Faber!” I scream. Nova screams right after, and she is followed by Rocky.
Faber is sleeping next to Rapicik and Dawn. Everybody starts waking up in the den at the sound of our loud screams. Faber wakes up first, and rubs his eyes angrily.
“What is it?” Faber demands with agitation in his voice.
“We went to the Dream World, and-” I start to say. Oops. That may become the biggest mistake I’ve ever made.
“You what? After what I told you? All of you, now! Come with me!” faber orders, suddenly seeming fully awake. He dashes out of the bush dens and out into the dim dawn light. He doesn’t stop to wait for us as he beg him to listen. We follow him to a door that leads into a cave.
“You are punished, all of you! The Dream World is forbidden!” Faber punishes. Then he shoves us all like we’re just pieces of grass into the door. Inside, he locks us behind it, and doesn’t stop to listen when we start screaming for him to pay attention again.
“You may come out when we are all ready to return to Jamaa. For now, you must stay put! And I don’t want to hear any of your nonsense about the Dream World!” Faber screams with such authority in his voice we all fall silent. He slowly walks away from the door. Then I slowly pace to the back of the cave, which is complete darkness.
“Nova and Rocky, come here,” I whisper.
Rocky is holding back tears, knowing that something bad is about to happen. Morning is nearly here!
“We have to break out of here so we can warn them. They have to know. And we have to help them all when the Phantoms come. I’m sure we can’t leave if Phantoms are attacking this place,” I point.
“But how do we get out of this place?” Nova ponders.
“Let’s explore the whole cave. That means we’re going to travel farther into the darkness,” I suggest.
Nova nods. Rocky nods, too. Rocky still seems emotional. Is he really changing? Is he really going to be a friend, and not a foe?
“Then let’s go search for something to get out of here,” Nova says. And with those words, we all begin to journey farther back into the pitch black cave.
A sharp rock pierces my fur as I travel through the cave. I jump back in surprise.
“Is something wrong?” Nova asks, worried.
“No, I’m fine.”
Then we continue walking through the dark cave. Maybe, just maybe, there is an exit in here somewhere.
“It’s a dead end!” Rocky says out loud, slightly ahead of us. We catch up to him and find out that a wall now blocks out way. But then I realize that a very, very dim light is coming from up above. I look above and see a tunnel leading somewhere else, further into the wall. However, how in the word would be get up there? It’s nearly fifty feet above our heads. And we don’t have any ropes or vines to get up there.
“Guys, that tunnel up there leads to somewhere with light. Is there any possible way for us to get up there?” I ask, thinking really hard about the idea.
“Wait! Remember those rocks you were talking about? I wonder if they stick out of the walls… could we jump from one to another and get up there?” Rocky suggest first. I think about it, then I decide to give it a try. I tell the others that I would try this out first, and after convincing Nova that I can do it by myself, I finally find the jagged rock where I cut myself on. The dim light from the tunnel barely lights my path.
I hop on top of the rock. But then I immediately fall out when I realize it is sticking out of the roof. I get up, dust myself off, and then hop again, this time catching onto the stalactite. At least, that’s what the alphas call these type of rocks.
I begin forcing myself to go upward on the rock. Maybe I can find a cliff to jump onto once I’m far enough in the air. I can see Nova and Rocky watching me nervously from down below. Finally, I reach the very top of it, and scan the area. A cliff is nearby. By it is another cliff. And by the second cliff is a third one that leads directly to the tunnel of light! Rocky’s idea is working!
The hard part is about to happen, though. I take a deep breath. I’m fifty feet in the air and I’m about to jump from a giant stalactite. But I do it anyways, now that I have crazy as one of my traits. Nova and Rocky both gasp as I just barely land on the small cliff on a different wall. I nearly skid off the smooth surface, but I move onto the cliff just in time. My heart begins beating super fast, but now this should be easy. The next cliff is right by this one. I easily make the jump, and now I am right by the wall with the tunnel. I easily make the jump to it, too. Now I can escape from this place and- well, I don’t know where the tunnel leads to. But I’m sure Faber didn’t want us going through it and towards the mysterious light coming from it.
“Guys, do what I did, and you’ll both make it up here!” I shout down to them. They nod. Nova goes first, and Rocky follows closely behind her. They both eventually make it up here, and we all begin our journey down the tunnel.
“Where do you think this will lead to?” wonders Rocky.
“I honestly don’t know. But we’re getting close to the highest part of the mountain. Do you think it could lead to the top?” Nova wonders as we continue down the dimly lit tunnel.
I remain silent as we travel down it. Thoughts flow through my mind. We really have to hurry before the Phantoms invade Zone Two!
After reaching a certain point of the tunnel, we all discover that it is now slanting down. We are heading down. This might mean it could lead back into Zone Two!
A small bug jumps onto my fur. I hate them. Its tiny, squiggly legs tickle my fur. I flick it off as we continue down the cold, stone tunnel.
And when we reach the end of it, we’re on ground again. In front of us lies the Crystal Cave itself, but a bunch of crystals are blocking our view. So all this time there was a hidden passageway in the Crystal Cave, hidden behind some of the smaller crystals!
“Woah! We actually made it out! But how come there is a tunnel from here to that dungeon?” wonders Nova.
“Good question, but we don’t have time to answer it. We have to go and tell faber that the Phantoms are invading, without mentioning the Dream World,” I hurry. Then I am the first to sprint out of the cave and into the open, where Faber is talking to every member of Zone Two by the arena.
“And that’s why…” Faber begins to finish his sentence, but he stops dead in the middle of it when he spots us, walking through the arena towards him.
“How did…?” Faber wonders, confused.
“There’s not time for that. The…” I begin to say, but loud gasps stop me. Everyone turns around, and I can see the fear in their eyes. In the gray, morning sky, a black cloud of Phantoms catches everyone’s eye. And they are right above Zone Two, coming towards us as fast as possible.

“Phantoms are coming,” I finish my sentence while staring at the creatures slowly coming towards us.