Saturday, February 9, 2019

My Shop Update

I haven't posted in a really long time. I've had the time to post, but, you know, I've just been tired every day after basketball practice so I usually just get my homework done and watch Youtube for the rest of the night. I have weights as a class, too, and it contributes to my tiredness.
Anyways, my basketball season is over now. It's truly become one of my passions. This season, I improved a whole lot, and I finally started to become "good". I met my expectations and started scoring points in the double digits. I still have a lot to learn, though, and I look forward to continuing my personal practice during the offseason. I'd really like to go to college for basketball, but it's probably not going to happen. The chances are so small. Even if I did get offered a scholarship for the sport my senior year, I'd likely decline it as I need to focus on my academic path, as I think I have a gift for academics more than sports. That doesn't take away the fact that basketball has pretty much become my favorite thing ever at this point, though.
So... that's pretty much all I have to catch up on. School's been pretty easy as I took all hard classes in the first trimester, and in the second trimester of the school year they've been easier. I think this might be the first post of 2019, too...
Now onto the whole point of this post. There was a super interesting update this Thursday. AJHQ introduced to us the My Shop feature.
This update is obviously one of the most interesting updates we've ever had. I like that AJHQ is starting to put some features in the game to make it better. So, what are the pros and cons of this?
Pros: AJHQ will make more money from people buying gems and diamonds off memberships. This will improve the game. Also, it gives gems and diamonds more of a purpose being in the game. It's a highly requested idea that AJHQ has finally implemented. Finally, this gives people more of a chance to earn currency besides recycling items. It's like a resell app or page on Facebook. I really like this idea.
Cons; It could mess with the rarity and currency system, it will be hard to figure out exact values of items in means of currency, and it's only for members.
What is your opinion on this new feature? I overall think it's positive, but there will always be a few bad things about introducing something new. Anyways, that's all I have. I hope to post again soon.