Thursday, February 5, 2015

New Series, Update day

Lots to post about today, with new items, Updates, news, lots of snow, Valentine's day, The Voice updates, new parties, and much more! Let's start off with the Jamaa Journal.

Nice updates! The only thing I don't like is the Owls. They're TOO Small! And they should have some animal NM soon! Anyways, let's check out the new clothing  items!

These are cool! Now, the new Den Items!
Actually, there's a lot of them, because it's a Pizza Parlor! And I don't want to waste a lot of KB on them so... Buy your Pizza Parlor set today! XD
For Valentine's day, my friend Nafaria9 is having a party! I hope you can all go to hers! :D
(Credits to Nafaria9) 
You should all go! She always has great parties!
Speaking of Parties, look at this...
I hope to see you all there! It will be a great day like the last party :)
Look at this cool new Preview for a new Series! First episode will be Saturday, February 7th!
The characters are La Deer, Chaff, and Oswald! I hope you will enjoy the Series, it will be on my Youtube, and I will post it on here! 
Finally, I see something coming to AJ. I'm not sure EXACTLY, but I think there will be a huge riot. Non-Members are getting angry all animals or in the Diamond Shop. Members don't have diamonds sometimes. Rare workers through hard work get their rares and they come out in the diamond shop. People get scammed. Non-Members don't get treated fairly. People get bullied. This could be a revolution on AJ, meaning that people will quit and do anything possible to stop this nonsense. I've already seen a few riots in the Townships. Some of them are Top Secret, to be honest. I hope something happens soon and this won't occur. 
On the bright side, I have decided the Judge Panel for The Voice AJ Season 3. The judges will be... or should I post this another time? Yea, another time.
That's all for today Jammers, keep cool, no riots, and JAM ON! 

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