Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Voice AJ news

Hey Jammers! Sorry that I didn't post for the last several days, I was getting busy. 
Anyways, I have to go back to School on Monday. 6th grade right now. But on the brighter side, The Voice AJ will be returning, and I'm pretty sure the judges could be the same? Though, since nafaria9 almost left us, I'm not sure about her yet. But this season will come to an end quicker, because by now, we should of been in the next season already. So the coaches will fil their teams up to only 3, then the public will vote for one winner. This will be called the Elimination Era. Sorry if you were looking forward to this season, but we were really held back on time!
But Season 4 (The first Fall season since the original season) will be much more extended. The Coaches will be able to have 6 members on their team, go through battles, Knockouts, and the Live Shows. So, don't be too disappointed, because a lot is in stock for Season 4! 
I'll see you guys later, and I will try my best to post in the next couple of days. 


Violet AJ said...

Your only going into grade 6?!? I'm going into grade 7

arcticpenguinII said...

I'm going to 8