Sunday, September 20, 2015

Random Joke Day

Hey Jammers, I feel like taking today off from posting. Sorry, it's just that I've been posting for weeks upon weeks and I need a break sometimes. I'll still do The Voice AJ, though!
Anyways, see ya later!
P.S. Here's a joke:

I looked around and saw leaves falling off the trees. I could see my breath in the chilly air. I turned to look at my Mother.
"You know what's coming- win-" I begin tell her.
She gives me the look that tells me she doesn't want to know it.

Okay, that one wasn't that funny. This IS!
Who liked that? O3O
Okay, there was once a boy named Johnny Johnson Junior. He ate pickles for breakfast. The end.
Okay, this is just getting weird. Ya know, Moms, Winter, Johnny, food, animals... I'd really like to get going.
Oh great. Something worse just came. It starts with a c and ends with an n. His username starts with an H... I wonder if that blows it away. SEE YA LATER WHILE I DEAL WITH THIS PERSON!

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