Thursday, April 28, 2016

A Close Call

Woah, and I thought these kind of things would never happen.
So yesterday, I went to a Boy and Girls club after school. Suddenly a whole bunch of people started POURING into the building, soaking wet. I heard many people talking about a tornado in the city right next to where we lived. My Mom works in that city. So, eventually I heard lots of rain slamming down onto the roof and the thunder got louder. We had to take shelter in the gym. Once getting into there, everyone was on their phones and one guy was texting his Mom. His mom told him that there was a tornado touchdown, but it didn't last for long. It kept touching the ground then going back up. After a while being in the gym, we were all allowed to go back to what we were doing. My mom picked me up and was really freaked out. Once we got home, we watched the news and there actually WAS a tornado. Here's an image of it that the news showed us: 
So yes, that was a Close Call.
Anyways, moving on to the real part of this post... here is the new item.
I have to go now because I took so much time before making this post, though I'll see you guys later! Stay safe, because it's now Bad Weather season for many people just like me.


gingy gingy said...

Whoa! That must have been really scary! O.O We rarely get tornadoes where I live.

AJKB said...

be glad your not in the TORNADO ALLEY i live there in tornado alley and nearly everyone's eye still has pictures of tornado's killing and taking people away i cant even live here anymore it's storming super badly bad outside right now lets see how this ends up