Wednesday, July 13, 2016

AJ Rant - Updates

It's a New Day and that means new posts.
Well, I had an idea about something that's been getting quite annoying lately. Yes, we're talking about AJ updates. 
So, we all know about the typical AJ updates: a new Pet, a Diamond Sale, a returning party, a traveling/returning animal, a new animal, and sometimes a new den. These kind of updates are the most common, and we usually get updates like these now. My rant here is because I want something DIFFERENT. I'm not saying that AJHQ doesn't put alot of time and hard work into their updates, I'm just saying that we should really get something unique/different. We usually get updates that are similar every time. If AJHQ could release a new land (which they haven't done for almost three years!) it would attract much more attention and it would be cooler than the common "new animal, new pet, diamond sale and traveling animals" update. Just like I mentioned in one of my earlier posts after watching Julian2's video, there are alot of things that AJHQ should add. But now, every other Thursday, there is almost always a similar update.
Do you guys understand here? AJHQ keeps releasing obvious, boring updates that are similar every time. I just wish they'd release something different now. Yes, they still work hard on each update, but really- they almost always include hints for a new animal, new pets, Diamond news, traveling animals and some new/returning party. Oh well... I guess we'll just find out what AJHQ releases next time. 


Cheer said...

I defiantly agree with what you're saying. Each update isn't as exciting as it used to be. I remember when they rarely released new animals,and when they did, I was really excited. Now it just seems like they have to make a new animal.

Penguin55544 said...

Yes, the updates used to be much more exciting.

Swirlshine said...

Yes! We need a new land!


* Petopia Peaks is the name I created for the land above Appondale. I should really make a sketch of what I want it to look like, lol!*

Starlynn said...

I remember when I'd stalk the computer, waiting for the updates. I was so disappointed about the last update.I didn't even bother getting on