Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Tour of Lucyfluffy's Den

AJHQ actually released a Daily Explorer post the other day about Halloween Themed epic dens. One of them was Lucyfluffy. Since I have enough time still, I'll be giving you guys a tour of this person's den. Here are the screenshots I took while I was there!

This den was pretty cool. I don't understand how AJHQ found it though. Lucyfluffy either told AJHQ or that account is for a member of AJHQ. But, it doesn't matter, the den is still awesome, and I wouldn't even have close to the amount of patience needed to complete the den. That's all for this post, now. I'll be posting later again. Yesterday I didn't post that much except for the rare. I'm sorry for this, but I constantly procrastinate, and if you know me well you would've already figured that out. Tonight I will try my best to have a long, thorough update post. Until then, I'll see you guys later!


Unknown said...

Lucyfluffy is actually an Animal Jam YouTuber (I think 4k subs)
Her subscribers entered her into the contest. She does a lot of amazing speed den decorates!

Lostfairy said...

I also checked out her den and nominated her as well. ;) (I had no clue she was a YouTuber, I just saw someone nominating her)

Anonymous said...

I watch her vids and I have been for a long time now she's one of my favorite AJ YouTubers.