Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Exploring Portalsden3's Den Chain Link

Hey guys. I'm back again this morning, and yesterday I watched a video from Julian2 that seemed pretty interesting. I thought about making it into a post, and that' what I'm doing now. Here is the video:
Do you guys remember the den chain links? Well, this is another one, but it must've took forever to make. So, for this post, I'll be exploring it!
Let's begin. Here are all of the screenshots I took while I was there. I'm not going to explore the whole thing, because you guys might want to see it yourself. 

All of these are pretty cool, but I especially liked the Art and Mira Waterfall dens. Those were awesome!
Okay, that's pretty much all I have for this post. I suggest that you go and visit these dens, because it'll be a fun experience. Alright, now, I'll see you guys later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw this just as I was watching the video
