Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Activities Calendar Idea

Hey guys! Before I begin this post, make sure to read the last one. I need ways to get more involved with my viewers/buddies through blog comments. Here is the link: 
Now, it's time for the interesting part of this post. A long time ago when I was really young, in Jammer Central there was an Activities Calendar. It was about AJ, and not Play Wild. Here's an example of one of them.
In the top left corner, you could click on the activities calendar button and it would tell you about the upcoming events in Jamaa. 
That might not seem very interesting, right? Well, back in the Beta, AJHQ would host real events that weren't mentioned in update posts. I can't remember what they were called, but there were costume parades for Halloween, and I think Theater days. These events were pretty popular. But sadly, they aren't around anymore. This leads me to my idea of Daily AJ events. AJHQ should have events such as Tournament Tuesday (Jammers join tournaments in multiplayer games to win a prize), or Fashion Friday (where AJHQ could set up Fashion Shows with brackets and the the winners would compete for a prize.) They could have a variety of other events, too, and not just competition. They would announce them on a new Activities Calendar AJHQ could create. What do you think about this idea?
I hope you enjoyed this post. Comment what you think of this idea, and I'll see you later!

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