Monday, April 3, 2017

Rare Fool's Hat, Daily Explorer Update and Adventures of Jamaa Idea

Guess who is back and ready for another update post? Your mom!
(If I was actually trying to be humorous there, that would be the funny part lol. Your mom jokes are for little kids, so grow up, Jammer reading this post. Wait, honestly, I don't even know how I got to this sentence let's just end this intro now.)
Now, since I am finally back to my regular self, here is the new Rare in Jam Mart Clothing today.
Honestly, what is AJHQ even doing here? This is a JESTER hat, not a Fool's Hat. Now they're just renaming items. I wish we'd get an actual new rare, too, and not just color remakes.
Secondly, here is the latest Daily Explorer update:
 Finally, I have yet another idea for posts. What I have in mind are "Adventures of Jamaa" episodes. They'd be just like Rooms of Jamaa and Items of Jamaa, except based on adventures. However, these posts would be much more lengthy because there's a lot of information on adventures. I'd also show a picture of what it looks like from the tabs, and a few screenshots of the gameplay. Here's an example of what I mean.

Intro to Post
Screenshot of Tab (example by what I mean below)
I would give a bunch of information on the adventure after that.
Finally, I would wrap up the post with a few screenshots of the gameplay, and then there would be an ending. 

I'm probably going to do the first episode of Adventures of Jamaa tomorrow, so stay tuned! Now, I have to go and finish my April Fool's Party post, and then I have to go get shots at the doctor. I'll be back after all that, though. Until my next post, I'll see you all later!

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