Thursday, July 26, 2018

Nothing to Headdress Challenge - Part 1

Hey people of Animal JAM!
Jam, lol, I don't know why I emphasized that, but it's just hilarious.
But in this post, nobody does these anymore, and it would be actually fun to do it. Especially the hard way. But here's my twist. It's a nothing to headdress challenge. That's pretty hard.
I made an account called rhinomaster12345. I've gotten a few trades so far and currently have an orange wrist. Trust me, I didn't just start ut with that lol, it's just because I was just messing around, made a new account, and traded for a little while, then decided to do this. So, from now on, I'll be logging my trades onto these posts.
I'm going to admit something, too. Trading is something honestly fun in the game. In no ways am I siding with those rare obsessed Aldaners that only care about pixels, but trading is the base of Animal Jam. It's main attraction. Without it, I guarantee the game would be gone in one minute. And finally, I do actually find a little fun in working hard, trading up, and trying to get something. I am just not literally obsessed with rares and willing to scam people like most of the brainwashed people on the game. Anyways, this (possibly) series will get me a little bit more involved in the game, which might lead to talking to friends more, which also might lead to me posting a little more. I used which a lot in that sentence, but I don't care.
I haven't traded for a while, though, not at least since 2017. So this challenge might be a little difficult. Let's begin where I'm at now, with the orange wrist. Wait one second, though, because I also have some woven shoes and the AJ default furniture set, which are literally the rarest items ever. (Obviously not a joke)
In the first day of the account, I bought woven shoes as my first item. Then someone traded me a pizza hat from the summer carnival for a default furniture item. Yes! I managed to get really lucky when I got a diamond non member item for something I don't remember. I then traded the pizza hat for a diamond spiked collar, which was an under trade, but the person decided they didn't want the spike anyways. After that I got a deal where I traded the diamond spike and (I think) diamond gauntlets for a short orange wrist.
I just recently traded a default furniture piece for a turqoise ring. Another furniture piece was traded for a Team Direwolf Plushie. These will be ok items to add onto trades and help build up from the orange wrist.

All I did to get these was go to Jamaa Township and say "trade me, looking for deals!"
Ok so... I've been sitting here trading for like an hour. I have made no progress since those two items.
Finally, I just traded the orange wrist and turquoise ring for a yellow wrist, which is a little better and more likely to get offers.
I then just got a decent trade, where someone gave me their pet giraffe for a default furniture item.
Ok, that's gonna conclude part 1 of this challenge. This will probably take a long time to complete. I have no good post outros anymore, so bye, lol.

1 comment:

Violet AJ said...

Cool post idea and challenge:)