Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Where is the Love?

Hey guys, welcome back to another post!
Today I walked into Social Studies class, and the teacher had a large poster that had this on it.
Yeah, and there was a question under it that said "Where is the love?"
He asked us what we thought it meant. One person brought up the Black Eyed Pea's song, "Where is the love?" Our Social Studies teacher then showed us this video.
Yes, that person was correct. Where is the love? Our world needs more love. Lots of people don't really care about anybody but themselves. Then there's terrorism. And our world needs more love. Global Warming, we need to love our Earth. But the one thing that I think is most important is welcoming others. Right now, Syrians/Muslims are trying to come to the United States. Lots of Americans, including myself at first, believed that it was a bad idea. Yes, terrorists could get into North America from that, but we need to remember that these Syrians/Muslims are people, just like us. If we all work together, every continent, and try hard enough, we can achieve our goals, defeat ISIS/terrorists, and gain love. 
Hey, if you guys find one of the question marks around, just have a smile on your face. In fact, you should try putting one up somewhere. Spread the word! If we all take a part in this, we CAN make a difference.
Well, that's about all for today, and I hope you got inspired by this post. Make a difference.


purple said...

I agree. Just because ISIS is like that, doesn't mean ALL Muslims are like that. In fact, ISIS is doing stuff that is NOT allowed in the religion... There's only one thing humans care about now... Internet! XD Anyways, great post. :3

gingy gingy said...

Some Muslims are nice. Others are just horrible people. Muslims believe that their Savior has yet to come to Earth, and when that happens, their Savior will destroy all non-members of the Islam religion.

I think we should let the Muslims in, but only on certain conditions. They should not be allowed to bring in weapons to the country.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Our world needs more love. People are suffering right this second as I type; from poverty, hunger, bullying, and more. We all need to take a stand to make the world a better place. I agree what you're saying, though some Muslims are nice. All they want to do is escape the suffering they are going through in Syria, Iraq, Afghan, and many more places. When my Dad was going to leave to go overseas to fight some of the people who were causing this, I was worried. Some of these people are killers. Murderers. We don't want people like this in our world, right? Thanks for posting this.

Anonymous said...

- sixty. Sorry I forgot to put it on there