Thursday, February 4, 2016

Chinese New Year Party + Summer Carnival in February

Woah, what an update!
Hello, I'm back at this time, which I know is weird. But I wanted to include everything important in one post, o here we go.
Here is today's new item!
Another unreleased item from the Friendship Party! I don't understand why it is called heart SHAPED Hologram, because it isn't shaped like a heart. It should just be called Heart Hologram. (Also, it doesn't say new! It must be because this item was released before the update and they erased that part off of it)
Anyways, here is the Jamaa Journal. 

Well, I can say this update is an improvement. The Chinese New Year party was a really good idea because AJHQ can't just think about the USA, they should think about other countries, too. And there's FINALLY more Den Space! The Summer Carnival has returned, too, for another Global Celebration. Good job AJHQ! The Friendship Cottage is also here, but the best thing about this den is that it's original, and not one of the "epic" versions. But then there's my least favorite part- the Chat Update. Yeah, I get it, AJHQ is making the game safer, but I get my messages blocked when I'm not talking about anything inappropriate! It's unfair because if that happens you'll get less freedom. Ha, good one there, AJHQ. You might want to fix that later on.
Here's a few Screenshots from the Chinese New Year Party:

This party is cool, and one of the best things about today's update.
The Summer Carnival seems similar to the last time it was here, so we don't need any Screenshots. But then there's a part in the Jamaa Journal that say a special "rare item" will be released there, so if anyone finds it, make sure to tell me. (I doubt it will be today)
What do you guys think about this new update? I give it 4.5 out of 5 stars. Comment your thoughts below!

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