Thursday, August 11, 2016

30,000 Views Party Invitation

Hey guys! For the first part of today's posts, I'll be showing you the party invitation for 30,000 views.  worked on it this morning, and now it's done! After this post, you can come back in the afternoon for all of today's updates. So, here is the invitation:
When - Sunday, August 14th at 12:00 PM Central Time
Where - Penguin55544's den


☀2fangwolf AJ☀ said...

Hey, I have a party on that day too! aahah
They don't overlap at all though so I'll still be able to come to yours if I remember!

Lostfairy said...

Oh, I would love to go! Sadly, I don't know if I can... :( After church, I am probably going to spend the day with my family at someone's pool. I don't know for SURE if it's happening Sunday or Monday.

I hope I can come, though!

Swirlshine said...

I'll try to come! :D

Wrote the date down so I'll remember it! I wrote down yours too, Fang!