Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Soon To Be Departing Head Feathers and 2 Cool Non-Member Outfits

Hi Pizza! Oh, wait, I'm sorry. I meant to say Jammers. But anyways, the past is in the past, and it's time to write this post now. Let's begin today's updates! For some odd reason, I couldn't find any new items. I decided to show you a item that will soon leave stores, so make sure to buy it if you want to. It is the Head Feather in the Diamond Shop.
This item is actually not that bad. I originally thought AJHQ wouldn't release any more items that would offend cultures, though. Didn't the Head Feather have the same deal as the Headdress, or am I wrong?
Then, here is the Daily Explorer update.
 Finally, I am going to tell you about two cool non-member outfits. The first one is a bunny with a freedom top hat, which in my opinion is a nice look.
And then there's the wolf with a fox hat and a bow and arrow. This outfit might be common, but it is still pretty cool to use while going around Jamaa.
That's about all for this post, but I have a quick message to all of my buddies.

I usually don't have much time to play on school nights, so Mondays through Thursday I won't be active that much. I'll still play one in a while on these days, but not that much. Now, I haven't talked to my buddies for a while on AJ, so I'm planning on it during Friday night. On Friday nights, Saturdays, and Sundays I will be playing much more than usual. If you want to talk to me on AJ and you are a buddy, meet me sometime on Friday night or the weekend. I might have to stay at Boys and Girls club a little longer on Friday, but not by that much. Anyways, that's all I have to say.

I hope you guys understand what I mean by this. I'm sorry I'm not that active on these days, but I have other routines during the school year. For now, I'll see you guys later.


☀2fangwolf AJ☀ said...

Don't worry about being active, as I've said before. Your blog, your rules. We'll always be here. :-)
Have fun at Boys and Girls club!

Anonymous said...

It's okay I get you have school and things going on in your life don't worry about it. I'll see you soon -Sky