Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Rooms of Jamaa, Episode 15: Adventure Base Camp

Hey guys! I don't have much time to do this (I have to go Christmas shopping), but I am now going to post another episode of Rooms of Jamaa. For this episode, we'll be talking about the Adventure Base Camp.
- The music for this place is called "Bass Camp", but I believe it should be Base Camp.
- The ladybug in front of the adventure Meet Cosmo changes colors and sizes some times.
- There used to be a White Room here, where only eagles could access it. It has been patched.
- The Training Grounds used to be available here, but it no longer is.
- There is another Base Camp which is underwater.
- Portals for the 2D adventures were added into a similar room, the Adventure Command Post. 
- There are various, mysterious places in the Adventure Base Camp. One is a hidden door covered by vines, and it is the most known. 

Alright, that's all for this episode! I really hoped you learned something new, and I'll see you again after I finish Christmas shopping. Until then, goodbye.

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