Friday, July 21, 2017

Animal Jam Update: Graham's Gizmos Wild Weekend

Hi guys! 
Earlier this morning the update was finally released after a long wait. I was starting to wonder if it would even come out. But it is here now, and I am ready to make the update post today!
Here are all the pages of the newest Jamaa Journal.

This update, overall, wasn't too bad. The Graham's Gizmo items are pretty cool. The new den is also worth t for 7 diamonds. It has a ton of space! Of course, the Jamaaliday Jam party is back for a little while. It is back for many "Christmas in July" celebrations around the world. Then there is a new seasonal adventure called Tiki Trouble. I played it earlier and it was a lot of fun, but difficult for the first time. Finally, the new animal has been confirmed. Flamingos are coming to Jamaa. I don't think many people expected this. 
Speaking of the Wild Weekend Graham's Gizmo items, here are the screenshots I took of them. They are available at Jam Mart Furniture!

The new den, Graham's Observatory, is available for purchase at the Diamond Shop. I do think it is worth it. Here is a picture of the whole den.
I don't have anything else to share in this update post, so I'm going to end it here. I hope you guys enjoyed! Until my next post, goodbye.

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