Thursday, January 21, 2016

Reacting to Old Posts

Yes, I will be reacting to Old Posts today.
(You can click on the names of these posts to view them!)
Let's begin!
Post #1: This Is a Kid's Game (November 29, 2014)
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. "I found this one CRRRRAAAZZZZYYYY guy in Jamaa Township" and "When his username finally develops, it's called xoxclub. GROSS, even a GROSS USERNAME!" really makes me laugh. I understand that that guy was being inappropriate, but my reaction to it was just hilarious. And let's not forget about that outro... "Oh well, I bought some Holiday Classics from Target today, so I will watch the Year Without a Santa Claus, or the Grinch or something to recover XD." Let me tell you this, Penguin of the Past, why did you use that language? DAT IZENT PROPUR GRAMER! GIT REKT SUN
Post #2: Scammers, and Gross Things!
My reaction: 
My reaction: The Video I just showed, but times it by 100.
Post #4: First Post!
My reaction: I feel like I could've added more description and other stuff, but that was just me back then. I really want to edit it, but I don't think I will I mean I will not mess with it. (Bad Grammar alert!!!!!!! U R GOIGN 2 JAYL)
I don't know if I should do another post like this, because it wasn't like a regular Post. It was mainly meant to be funny.
I will see you guys soon!
P.S. The Update came, but I won't post about it until tomorrow.

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