Saturday, May 25, 2019

Summer Carnival Returns

Hey! It's been a little while since I made that last post but I'm finally making one again
Also my laptop is getting old and some keys don't work so I can't use commas or periods or anything lol and I don't have the patience to copy and paste them right now
i might just use a semicolon instead

so before I get into what has changed in AJ itself I'd like to explain what's been going on for me in the past month
i've still been working hard everyday to achieve great things in basketball
school's almost out for me now too i only have six school days left and everything's been going fine in school right now
and yeah

however i have been having some thoughts lately and here they are:
i dont really have any true friends at school; i hate to say it but its true; my friends are so hypocritical at times and get annoying; also; no friend really has aspirations that i know of and i think thats the downfall of many people; they settle with average and arent mature at all; even though i might not even act mature lol; at least i can be that way when it matters
i miss the older days when i had aj friends lol
and finally; ive really been wanting to travel the entire world lately; places like grand teton; yellowstone; alaska; australia; africa; europe; china and many others sound s interesting; but i also find that basketball has a major impact on the culture of many places and i just want to see it; i cant explain the feeling; but i want to go around the world; see the views; learn about the culture of basketball or anything in particular; and just experience life at its best without dropping my passions

anyways; enough of my thoughts
on aj the summer carnival has returned! this event is open for everyone and returns annually
im not super big into aj anymore but ill definitely give it a visit
hopefully it'll have some new features these year

and that wraps up all i have to say
sorry for this poem-like post but my keyboard is in horrible shape and i couldn't write this any better lol


Violet AJ said...

Yay, im glad you posted Penguin! That sucks that the keys on your computer are starting to fail.

Keep dreaming and believing :D

Lostfairy said...

Ahh, it was nice seeing what you're up to these days, Penguin! I'm sorry about your friends, that really sucks and I totally understand what you mean.

At least you're school was going well. <3 What are you planning on doing this summer?

Difficult said...

Hopefully some good friends come around, I was dealing with a group of negative friends too and I just moved on.