Saturday, May 30, 2015

Saturday's Post

Yeah, after yesterday, I don't really think I could quit this Blog. I've had it for a while now, and people don't like shutting down blogs that much...
But on the bright side, I only have 1 week of School left, and we get to go bowling and see a movie in theaters! And the Summer Festival is coming in about a month's time.
Here's the Jamaa Journal that I didn't post about...

Interesting! I can't seem to find the animal, but with my luck, it will be right in front of my eyes. If you know what the animal is, comment down below!
Then, when I was looking at the Party list, I found something very unsual.
Why is the Spooky Party back in Summer? I mean, Halloween is still several months away... it's either the same thing they had in 2014 when the Jamaalidays were in Summer (I don't know if that was the right year, I have a bad memory), or just a big glitch. 
Now, moving glitches out of the way, here's the Daily Explorer update.
 My Mom is forcing me to get off right now O3O. So I better go, because we have to go to some Garage Sales. I'll be back later. I hope you enjoyed today's post, and have yourself a great morning!

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