Friday, June 29, 2018

Interesting Statistics

Hello people.
I hate the post intros, so, uhh, let's get on with the post.
I've decided to show some interesting statistics today. The first one is the amount of searches AJ gets.
Looks like the amount of searches for Animal Jam has gone down over time. What does this mean? Nothing, probably. People know how to use bookmarks these days and the internet has evolved. But, then again, maybe this game is dying...
No. That's a joke, lol.
Look at Club Penguin's statistics.
Well, Club Penguin shut down, and their searches were also going down. What does this mean?!!?!?1!??!!?
Nothing. Who cares about searching? We have other options these days!
I have no idea why I made this post. It doesn't even make sense to me. What's the point of it? I don't even know myself. You can figure it out. Until the next post, umm, bye.


gingy gingy said...

I do agree that Animal Jam itself is slowly dying and this just proves my point even more

Penguin55544 said...

Yep, nothing lasts forever, and I think the game has seen better days.