Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Daily Explorer update

Hello Jammers, today there isn't much to post about, so I will just tell you a few things going on and the Daily Explorer update.
Firstly, there's no new items in the shop today. That's the bad news. But the good news is that The Animal Jam Spring's 7,000 views party is coming in about two hours for me! I hope it will be fun, and make sure to invite all of your buddies!
Some more good news is that my friend Nafaria9 is having a giveaway on her blog, and there are hundreds of items that you could win, non-member or member! To enter, click this link.

That link will lead you to her Google form that you will have to answer a few questions on. And hopefully, one of you will win something! The giveaway ends on July 19th, according to Nafaria. Which is when I'm on vacation, o3o.
Now, here is the Daily Explorer update.
 Huh, that was kinda interesting! This is a great way to start off a day.
Before I go, here is the link to my friend Nafaria9's blog. If you haven't seen it yet, I suggest you do because it is awesome! She was one of the people who inspired me to have a blog, so make sure to check it out. Click HERE to go to her blog. 
I will post again later when the party starts, and then the results. Make sure to come, and you will see me there! Until next time, see ya!

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