Sunday, July 29, 2018

HUUUUUUUUGE Shoutout to onacat!

So I was continuing the nothing to headdress challenge today and noticed someone who said they were hosting a giveaway because they were quitting. I ended up getting so many rares from them. I don't know if I should count these in the challenge, but I'm leaning towards yes because it isn't cheating, it's just that I won a giveaway. Everyone does that to get better items. But anyways, this person was very kind and wanted to give me these items, and I really appreciate it! These will be put towards great use.

In total, I received, excluding the Beard and Rare Jamaaliday Cozy Shoes:

Once again, thanks onacat!

1 comment:

Violet AJ said...

Wow thats very generous.