Friday, May 27, 2016

Why I haven't been Posting

Well, I know I haven't posted for a few days, but there's a reason why.
On Wednesday this one girl asked me out. Well, she told one of my friends to ask me out for her. I told him no and a bunch of this girls' friends started telling her that I was spreading bad rumors about her. Anyways, this caused that girl and all of her friends to absolutely HATE me, and one of them even sent me a message with quite inappropriate language. It made me feel so bad, but then i even became worried that I would get in trouble because everybody thought I was being a bully. But I didn't do anything, and I am swearing my life on that. Anyways, now, the both of us (the girl that asked me out and I) were chatting on Gmail and she finally believed my words. I told her everything that happened and yes, we're just friends again. I was so happy that she finally understands, and I apologized that she felt so bad. Literally, for the past few days I have been laying around and thinking so hard about what happened. I felt so bad even though I didn't do anything.
But I feel much better now. I feel the need to post again, so after this short post is finished, I'll post about the latest update and new items. I hope you guys forgive me for not posting.


Unknown said...

i feel u...

Swirlshine said...

I completely understand, post whenever you feel ready! :)

gingy gingy said...

I'm sorry you had to go through all that drama! Like what swirlshine said, post whenever you feel ready. ^.^

purple said...

That's awful. I once had to go through a situation like that too. It took me a few days to get over it. Don't worry, you don't need to post if you're still stressed out about the problem!

Violet AJ said...

Awww, sorry that happened