Thursday, October 5, 2017

Giant Phantom, Ghostly Items and Phantom Resemblances

Hola people of Jamaa!
Eww, I hate using those cringey intros; especially when they're so cheerful and happy. But you know what? I can't think of anything better right now lol.
So, today, I've been retaking a math test. Yep. I'm actually starting to like math. The concept of it is- well, interesting. It's just cool to figure out how everything works. I'm only retaking the latest math test because my mistakes were so stupid on it. If I would've subtracted properly and added a simple starting value, it'd would've been an A. Sometimes, my mind forgets the simplest things, but remembers stuff from 7+ years ago.
In stores today there are two new items. In Outback Imports there is the returning Giant Phantom. Over at the infamous Diamond Shop, there is a new set of Ghostly Items I never noticed before. They've been out for a while, though I think the Ghostly Window was just released today.

Lastly, at the Phantom Vortex, I noticed a pattern. I'm sure some of you have seen it before, but it's one of the things I've been oblivious to my whole life. The patterns on the floor in the Phantom Vortex create phantoms.

Cool, isn't it? I always enjoy finding some hidden features across Jamaa.
So... I'm going to end this post now. I'll be back tomorrow with more posts. It's finally Friday tomorrow, although I don't really care about days anymore. They go back so fast I don't think they matter. 
Anyways, yeah, that's all for this post. Goodbye people!