Monday, April 25, 2016

New Ideas + Jam Mart Clothing Floor 2?

I actually have an idea for this blog. I'm just going to post whenever I want to. Yes, I think that will help. If I miss a day, don't be surprised- but know that I'm still here.
Anyways, I actually want to post today, so here is the new item.
Also, I found something quite interesting above Jam Mart Clothing. If you're an eagle and you fly to the top, you'll notice this: 
As you can see, this is a whole second floor to the building, plus a tiny third floor. Does this mean that sometime in the future AJHQ could add on? Maybe, but I highly doubt it because it's never happened yet. However, there's still a possibility that could happen. 
And I think that's all for this post- thank you guys for giving me ideas and supporting me on the last one. It really meant a lot, and I'm actually inspired to continue blogging because of my friends. Friends are the only reason I still play AJ, and I have to remind myself I have you guys still so that I can stick around.
Thanks for viewing; I'll be planning a 20,000 views party soon!

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