Monday, September 18, 2017

Rare Sequins Bow and My Favorite Book Series Meet AJ

People of Jamaa, I'm back.
I honestly hate Mondays. I'm so tired on these days and I feel like sleeping. But I have to keep up with work, so I won't be doing that yet. 
Now, the new item today is the Rare Sequins Bow!

 Also, my two favorite book series as of now are Warrior Cats and Percy Jackson. Warriors, in AJ, is just roleplaying.
But what if there was roleplaying for Percy Jackson? I've never seen it before, but I could only imagine... haha. People would be using their powers to blast others around while saying NN constantly.
I have to go now, but I hope you enjoyed! Until next time, goodbye.

1 comment:

Lostfairy said...

Oh wow, a Percy Jackson roleplay would be... interesting. XDDD

I think I've seen one person advertising it though... I should have gone! XD