Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving/Feast of Thanks!

Hiya, welcome back to another post!
Firstly, today is Thanksgiving, or some people on AJ call it the Feats of Thanks, which means that I get to Eat and Eat and Eat- all day! 
Ok, let's get serious now. Here are today's new items!
 Pretty cool, huh?
Nextly, I'm having a Den Item giveaway for items that I don't need. Here they are:
I didn't want to recycle them because somebody might want them. Anyways, if you want a item, the limit is two per person, jamagram me or comment below. My username on AJ is Penguin55544 if you didn't know. To jamagram, make it say Party in Club Geoz! I will give you your items then, but if you're Non-Member, I'll make a time for us to meet up and trade them to you. And if you comment, leave your username, status, and what items you want! (If you jamagram I'll send you back and ask what items you want, or I will ask you what you want when we meet up if you're non-member.)
Ok jammers, that's all for today, I have to go an celebrate with my family now. Bye!
P.S. Sixty58 is the Winner of the Fourth Fashion Show, along with alez67000!

1 comment:

gingy gingy said...

User: nafaria9
Status: Member
I want the Cosmo plant pot thingies and the lawn chair, please. :3