Monday, February 8, 2016

Expensive Rare Dragonfly Wings

Sup. Today's Monday. There's a Swaggy rare.
That entrance made me feel like Aparri once again.
But today's rare isn't really Swaggy- it's expensive and for members.
4,000 gems- ladies and gentlemen, I believe we just broke a record. I don't think we've ever had a rare this expensive. (Although I could've just forgot about one being a million gems or something, but I doubt it)
Also, today is your last day to pick up the Tiki Chair in Jam Mart Furniture.

I don't know what else to post about, so I'll tell you about a little glitch that (I think) is pretty old.
*Credits for this image goes to Meloetta385's Animal Jam Flash*
Can you see what I mean? Some people call this glitch the Princess Orangemountain glitch because of the weird, invisible animal with that name. It isn't even available to use as a name! Also, most of the other animals have green backgrounds, are being recycled, and cost 9,999,999 gems. Weird glitch, isn't it?
I woke up late because I stayed up last night watching the Superbowl. And it's time for me to go to School now.  So, I'll just use one of those common endings. Goodbye.

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