Monday, September 21, 2015

What is that? A dinosaur or something? (Jamaa Wonders, Episode 3)

Hiya Jammers, welcome to the third episode of Jamaa Wonders!
Today's topic is the "dinosaur" at Mt. Shiveer.

As you can see, there is a large animal imprisoned in ice here. What is it? Why is it here? What does it mean?
Some people think it is there for show and to make people wonder.
Some think that it will be a new animal.
Some others think it has something to do with breaking the ice at Mt. Shiveer.
Which one of these is it?
Firstly, all are very reasonable answers.
Okay, let's actually start. Nobody knows for sure if this will be an animal. They don't know if the ice is breakable, either. The only one left is it is just for show.
Go to the middle of Mt. Shiveer. You'll find these carvings:
What does this mean? The rumors that Mt. Shiveer's ice is breakable is true.
Think about it this way. Remember when AJHQ posted on the Daily Explorer that the Diamond Shop rumors and dancing for diamonds wasn't real? If this was fake, they would of already posted about it, right?
Lastly, I believe this monster has something to do with breaking the Ice. They wouldn't just put it there for no reason, right? Try and break the ice on your own. See if I'm right :)

1 comment:

Scooter0468 said...

Wow, you just brought up a whole new theory! Nice! This is awesome- I feel like going and breaking the bridge right now O,O