Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Animal Jam Lights the Way- The Return?

I have great news today, and I'm sure all of her fans will like what I'm about to say. 
Who else remembers Carrot04's blog Animal Jam Lights the Way? Carrot04 is one of my best buddies on AJ that had an amazing blog, but it had to be shut down in January due to personal reasons. Well, I've been convinced that her blog is returning, because I asked her a question, and this was her reply on her new Youtube account:
 You see? She can now return to blogging! If this isn't convincing enough, I don't know what would be.
Now, we have to support her again. Who else agrees? But if she has a new account, I don't know if she can use the old AJLTW anymore. She will probably have to create a new blog. But she will improve it like the last one she did, and she will be the one we've known before. I wish you luck Fauna if you're reading this! 

1 comment:

Violet AJ said...

Ya I'm so happy it's back up! It's a new one on a new account:)