Thursday, July 2, 2015

Freedom Fashion Contest Eliminations + Small Giveaway

Get Away! Can't you see I'm taking my Beauty Sleep? 
XD. Forget that opening. Let's get into the post now, because there's lots of things to announce today!
Firstly, here are the new fireworks at the Freedom Party. (I couldn't get the picture of the Panda one, because I couldn't make it to the Freedom Party.)

These are great fireworks and all, but why didn't AJHQ release the old ones, too? People still like the old ones, and this is a question I can't answer.
Speaking of the Freedom Party, the Freedom Spiked Mohawk glitch was finally fixed! It isn't 0 gems now, it's 700 gems.
I have to say that was a very weird glitch. o3o.
Here are the items leaving shops!
 The Pet Castle, found in Epic Wonders, is leaving soon! Pick yours up before it is gone!
The Pet Princess castle is history unless you can pick one up in Epic Wonders!
Here is the Daily Explorer update.
 This was a great News report! Personally, my favorite land is Mt. Shiveer, too. I like it because it is unique from the other lands, and holds many secrets. What other lands in Jamaa have snow? 
Now it's time for the important stuff. The Freedom Fashion Contest is beginning today, and I will post the entries soon. You will be able to vote for your favorite contestant, and the person with the least votes is eliminated. 
And the final thing to say on this post is that I'm hosting a Small Giveaway! 
Here are the items that the Winner will get. (Yes, the winner gets all four items.)
To enter, comment on THIS post and tell me what is your favorite land. Back it up with facts why you like it! If you don't, you probably won't win because I'm basing this on the best entry! And remember, if you don't win, it doesn't mean your bad! And you don't have to enter if you don't want to.
That's all for today, I hope to see lots of entries! Goodbye Jammers!

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