Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Animal Jam Easter Eggs That You Might've Missed

Hey people/Jammers/whatever.
I hate intros by now. They're so repetitive! I just can't think of anything creative, though, so I'm stuck with the regulars for now.
This post is about a few AJ easter eggs you might've missed. I've actually mentioned the first one in the past, but it's still cool.  In the game Mira Says, there are four colors you can press.
The word says has the four colors. Well, in the Sky Kingdom den, there are also four familiar colors surrounding the Mira statue in the center of the den.
This is a cool easter egg, but I do have a few questions. Is it just a reference to the game Mira Says, or are these colors going to play an important role with the lore of Mira any time in the future?
Moving on. The next two easter eggs are located in Balloosh. The first is a simple feature you probably looked over.
The shop is selling sea shells (say that fast, 5 times in a row, I dare you) and that's a little odd. Why would a swamp be selling those? There might be other items in there, but I can't figure out what they are.
The last easter egg of this post could lead to new theories.
In the upper right corner of Balloosh, it seems that there is a small river leading out. On the world map, this is proven, as it appears on it. I don't know if this is the same river, or if this is even truly a river leading away, but what do you think? It's clearly an opening in the trees.
That's all I have for this post (that's also a stereotypical ending, but I can't help it lol). I'll see you in the next post!

1 comment:

Violet AJ said...

I actually never realized those Easter eggs.