Friday, August 17, 2018

Update On Juno

Hey guys.
I feel the need to make this post, all of a sudden.
I've been thinking that we really, really need to move on from the whole Juno thing. This is causing so much trouble in the Blogger community. We need to forget about it all and stop carrying on the argument. Comments upon posts upon comments upon posts.
To be honest, my opinion is changing on the topic. Even though I have separate beliefs IRL than the LGBT community, I don't think it's that big of a deal anymore.
Little kids simply won't understand the topic. They will probably not get the reference at all.
So, based on this, I truly don't think Juno being non binary is a big deal anymore. I've been having these thoughts just today. We really need to move on, guys. You are all great people, and this drama would be better off a a story from the past.


Violet AJ said...

Very true

Anonymous said...

I personally am also getting tired of all this Juno drama but just because it's getting out of hand does not make my opinion swayed. Just talking about myself, I want to be a type of person who has good roots and does not get swayed by popular opinion.


rainbow000pegasus said...

Totally why I don't bother with the drama lol