Sunday, August 5, 2018

Just Something To Think About

Hey people.
I don't know how many of you play sports or consider yourself an athlete, but this story is related to that kind of stuff.
Anyways, about 2 weeks ago, I was practicing basketball at a park. I went for a layup and jumped the wrong way. You see, in jumping, there's a penultimate step, the step you take right before jumping off the ground. I was trying to get the ball as high as I could for a dunk (and to be honest I was close lol), but I twisted my (insert unknown body part name here) on the penultimate step. I landed on my other foot because my left lower calf was in pain. It wasn't my ankle, no, it was on the side side but a little higher. I have no idea, but I might've injured a tendon. I'm not sure. Then, this Friday, I was playing pickup basketball with a bunch of others at Boys and Girls club. I once again did a layup off that leg and it hurt instantly. This stuff is really, really scary to me. It's not hurting as bad today but I'e been resting it for a little while now. I really want to keep getting on the court to play, but I was even told to rest it for a week or two. I absolutely hate taking time off. The point is, the injury I got was really close to my Achilles tendon, and that's not something that would've been good. I'm gonna keep playing tomorrow, but take each practice light for a few days. Just don't take things for granted, especially athletes. When you train hard everyday seeking a goal in the future, it doesn't seem like anything could prevent you from reaching it. It could all be taken away in a second by some injury, all the hard work and everything. I just really needed to get this off my chest because it was in my mind. It is necessary for everyone to know this, because basketball is not the only thing that can be taken away, it can be anything else you take for granted.
I hope you all understand. And now, I am really going to a birthday party, unlike my lie in the last post's ending.


Violet AJ said...

Hope it gets better!

Anonymous said...

Aww, that must hurt :( Yeah, like Violet said, get well soon!

Skylar said...

i hope you're alright!

Penguin55544 said...

thanks guys!