Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Hot Cocoa Hut: Then And Now

Hey guys! It's pretty early in the morning. I'm only awake because I'm finally starting high school today. I'm a little bit nervous but not totally, lol.
For this post I want to discuss the Hot Cocoa Hut, so let's get into that.
Over the years, The Hot Cocoa Hut in Mt. Shiveer has actually changed. A lot of people don't usually visit this place or go there often, so why not make a post about it? So, here is what the Hot Cocoa Hut used to look like.
Then, some time ago, it was expanded.
The roof area was added on. Also, there was a new face expanded on what seems like a tiki. There are also colorful squares (honestly, don't judge me for my description) in the top right corner.
I find it interesting how AJHQ decides to update rooms like this when they want to. Based on this, I can believe that there are other places that had a small renovation and we don't even know about it. After all, a lot of people would never even realize the details that changed in the Hot Cocoa Hut.
I have to go now, but I might be posting later. I'll tell you guys how my first day went. Until then, though, goodbye.

1 comment:

purple said...

Ahh, that’s super interesting! I honestly never notice details like these so I’m always baffled as to how people even do it lol.
Good luck on starting High School! Also, I hope your first day goes well. I started this year too and it just takes a bit of getting used to and then you’ll be completely good for the entire year. No need to worry too much, but I understand that it’s kinda scary at first. >.< Just hang in there haha