Friday, December 4, 2015

Pop goes the Snowman

Hiya Jammers, welcome back to another post!
Firstly, here's is today's Jamaaliday Gift!
Pop goes the Snowman! I'm not going to show what it looks like, so you should try it out yourself. I think you already know what comes out though...
Then, here are today's new items.
 Lots of returning items!
Speaking of returning items, go read Nafaria9's post about the Jamaaliday House rant! Click Here. It's exactly what I was thinking, and maybe she can change you're opinion even more. I think these dens are ripoffs. 
That's about all for today, sorry I didn't post much about anything else besides items. Trust me, tomorrow I'll have a lot more to post about!
Bye Jammers!

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