Thursday, December 24, 2015

The Trapdoor of secrets (Jamaa Wonders, Episode 5)

Hello Jammers, and I'm back with another episode of Jamaa Wonders!
Lets find out today's topic.
The Trapdoor in the Chamber of Knowledge.
Everybody has seen this trapdoor at least once or has heard about it- but the question remains, where does it go?
I asked one of my buddies, Sixty58, what she thought about this trapdoor. She suggested that Zios himself could be under the trapdoor. Now, why does this seem reasonable? Firstly, phantoms come out when you sleep near the fallen Zios statue. Could this mean that something is UNDER the Lost Temple of Zios? What if Phantoms were guarding Zios, their prisoner, under this trapdoor? But then there's one more question. Why would they have a trapdoor down to where Zios is being imprisoned?
Let's take a quick look at the Fallen Zios statue.
It looks like some blue magic is coming out. Is this the Phantoms, or could it be Zios? 
I think this is the first time for Jamaa Wonders that I don't have an answer. But I believe it has something to do with Zios. What do you guys think? Comment down below, and I'll see you later!

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