Sunday, August 12, 2018

My Opinion On Juno

I've finally decided to make this post. Everyone's been talking about it and it's the main topic in the blogging community currently; Juno.
You actually don't understand how hard it is to make this post. I actually tried to make it days ago, but deleted it. It didn't sound right.
Anyways, let's just get into the topic. Juno is not like the other alphas. Juno is a member of the LGBT community. That's why Juno has been referred to as "they" and "them".
Now that I've explained that, here's a disclaimer. I am making this post to connect with all other bloggers in the community, no matter what your opinion is. I respect all opinions. Everyone has a right to one. Also, I do not hate LGBT people or disrespect them, nor do I hate the people who dislike them.
I don't personally believe in these kind of things. I was raised to believe in God and his ways. This is just how I am. But also, I do not interfere with what LGBT people do. They can do what they want, because, after all, it is their life. If that's truly what they choose, I'm not going to stop them. I just don't agree with that. Let me tell you this, too. A lot of you know my mom raised me herself, but her best friend helped. Her best friend is a lesbian woman. So I guess you could say one of the LGBT people have had a positive influence on my life so far. She's a great person and I love them a lot! This is all pretty much saying that despite the fact I don't believe in the things LGBT people do, I still value them when they are friends, just like anyone else. They shouldn't be treated any differently. I don't agree with what they do, but it is their choice. I will fully support/stick around these people and love them if they are my friend!
So that's my opinion. I hope you like it, lol. Now this moves on to the tricky part.
AJHQ made a risky move by making Juno non binary. This is where a lot of people parted ways in the debate. It's either support AJHQ making an alpha non binary, or not support them. I'm not supporting it, to be honest. I'm not saying I would protest against making a character non binary in a game, though. I'm saying that you shouldn't make a character non binary in a kid's game. Kids may want to become non binary (or anything like that) at a young, but they really shouldn't determine that so young. They are kids, and don't have fully developed brains yet. They don't probably understand it fully yet. Honestly, the whole LGBT debate is deep. Really, really deep. You know why? Because there are so, so many answers, questions, and all that. It's almost like a paradox. There is truly no wrong or right answer in these situations, just like a lot of politics. It can be extremely difficult to determine a solution in modern politics. The LGBT debate is one of many thoughtful debates. One of thousands, probably. The world is huge and full of controversy. Why should kids be introduced to that? All of the debates are probably too confusing and they wouldn't even understand it fully. As lostfairy said, this is kinda forcing a ton of information towards kids. Then they might ask parents questions, learn about the world itself, and all that. I don't really think they should do that, because, after all, they're kids. Enjoy yourself and don't think about the confusing world yet. It can be harsh at times, and getting into the debate itself at a young age without proper understanding could lead to that harshness.
Okay, I feel better about this now. I hope you all understand. I've written this pretty fast. Hopefully it was worded the way I exactly wanted it to be. It'll probably have mistakes. But yeah, comment your opinion below! I will be open to discussing this topic more in the comments. Everyone can have an opinion, no matter what.
Now, I am going to publish this...

*Edit: Based on a comment, I have to say that I am fine with these people and accept them. They should always know they are not alone in their life. It'd be much better to learn this IRL, in my opinion.


Violet AJ said...

Your opinion for this post was written quite nicely:) Part of me supports Juno. but part of me doesn’t. So im kinda in the middle for this situation.

Lostfairy said...

You did a really good job with this post, Penguin. I actually had no clue you believed in God, to be honest, so that was a cool surprise. ;)

I agree with you for a lot of things on this post. Although my Juno post probably sounded like I absolutely hate LGBTQ people, I honestly don’t. Sure, I dislike the ones who literally want to force their opinion down our throats and make it a hugeee deal. But I’m friends with a few people who have told me their bi or lesbian or something.

I don’t actually know any LGBTQ people IRL. So it’s hard to truly say how I’d react with that. *shrugs*

Thanks for doing this post, Penguin. I liked seeing your opinion. ;)

purple said...

I have a different opinion on this topic, but I respect you a lot for handling this maturely. The problem I have with this topic is how some players are making the LGBT+ community feel bad by constantly making rants that are straight up rude. There is a difference between being rude, and expressing your opinion calm and rationally. Thank you so much, I seriously appreciate the fact that you wrote this without disrespecting the community. I totally understand what you mean with this post! It’s probably hard to see such a deep topic being introduced in a KIDS’ game, especially when you’ve grown up with the mindset that this thing isn’t normal. I understand that Christians or just people who don’t support the LGBT community aren’t going to agree with it. ‘T was pretty bold of AJHQ to do this in a game targeted towards children lol but part of me supports them for being brave enough to help kids realize that they’re not alone even though it was a sensitive topic.
I just wish that neither the LGBT community or the community that doesn’t support them exchange rude words with each other during all this. The non-supporters need to remember that there are all kinds of people in this world and representation is necessary for them, but the other side also needs to remember that this is still a very controversial topic, disagreements are bound to happen and that they cannot change other people’s opinions.

Penguin55544 said...

You did mention something I didn't really say, Purple. The fact that if kids do choose to be LGBT and understand it, they should know they are not alone. I think that's something I should've mentioned. They shouldn't feel ashamed if that's the path they feel destined to,and it would be nice to know of others that way. It's a really great point. Get prepared to here a little bit more of what I think (because I now have more thoughts, lol).

Now, to add one more thing onto my opinion, and to clarify things a little based on what I just added on, I can say that the IRL life is different from a game. It'd be nice to have other people around you that are similar. I just didn't think AJHQ should make that aspect in a game for kids, as a vast majority are raised "straight". It would draw many questions. Also, it wouldn't be relevant to the game itself, and would obviously start drama, which already have now. This is where it gets tough for me to think, though. What if that kid didn't have any others to relate to? Could the game they play truly be a solution to that? That's where I can't answer any more, because I really can't respond to a question like that. Hopefully they'd be treated right and would eventually relate to others.

Hopefully that makes a little sense? It doesn't sound worded right, but I think you'll understand. This topic could honesty go on forever. I appreciate that you commented your opinion, though, and it's definitely helped me think more!

q1zx said...

I support Juno because AJ isn't drawing attention to the fact that they're nonbinary. If you play Animal Jam, and you don't go on Instagram or Blogs then you would only figure out Juno was nonbinary if you're a smart kid, it would just be based on Juno being referred to as "they". And even then, Juno is a hero, but Juno is a hero because they saved Balloosh, not because they're nonbinary. AJ isn't promoting it, just sliding it in there, and I feel like that just makes AJ a tad more diverse. And the detail so subtle there's not suddenly going to be a nonbinary wave of kids...

Penguin55544 said...

I agree with this now, q1zx. I just made a post that talks about what you're saying.

Anonymous said...

So as a nb person (a child, nontheless, though verging on a teen) I am really, really happy about Juno. Yes, gender is a confusing thing. I totally agree with that. And maybe a kid will think they're nb and then later grow up to realize they aren't. But that should be considered okay. Because you know what's worse? a kid growing up not knowing whats wrong with them, or why they feel different, or wy they like this person even though theyre the same gender or why they like both genders or why they like nobody at all. Kids dont deserve to grow up feeling broken. Nobody does. Avoiding topics because they're confusing isn't the answer. We teach kids about death, and the world around them, even though they're confusing, right? Because yeah, its weird and confusing, but it's their right to know. So they should be taught it.

But I think you presented your opinion very respectfully in this, so thank you for that, and you're totally entitled to your own opinion! :)

Anonymous said...

You can still believe in the Christian god and wholeheartedly accept LGBT. Heck, you can be a christian and be lgbt.

I don't get why you mean by you don't "believe" in non binary identities though. I suggest you do some research and maybe ask non binary people some questions. LGBT is not something you choose, it's who you are.

Why don't you agree with what "they" (I'm assuming you mean lgbt people when you say they) do? What if someone came up to you and said "I don't agree with you being attracted to males."

"I'm saying that you shouldn't make a character non binary in a kid's game." Why not? How else are kids supposed to know, learn, and see that non binary identities are normal things that people are and identify as? Imagine someone saying "They shouldn't put a black character in a kid's game!!11! Then they might choose to be black!!!!" It's a similar thing.

"Kids may want to become non binary (or anything like that)" Well, first, "become" is not the right word. A better way the phrase it is "choose to identify (as nonbinary)" or "discover that they are (insert LGBT thing here)

"Why should kids be introduced to that?" Oh, I don't know... so they can learn that the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows? That not everything is set in stone, or figured out? Do you want people to magically when they become 18 learn of controversy, and conflict then or something?

" It'd be much better to learn this IRL, in my opinion."
How are they supposed to learn this "IRL?"
I don't get why you're in such a fluff on this, most kids probably haven't/won't even noticed that Juno is nonbinary. It's not like AJHQ is all "JUNO IS NONBINARY!!! LOOK! LOOK! JUNO IS NONBINARY!!!!!"

Penguin55544 said...

i know what u mean but i was kinda rushing this post lol
anyways i dont really care if someone is lgbt. i actually did change my opinion on this too and i think juno was fine being in the game

this is a dead blog and post too, why are u here lol? go to a better blog

Penguin55544 said...

also i shouldnt of even posted my opinion, (though its changed alot with political experience lately) i was stupid, i shouldnt of gotten involved