Sunday, September 25, 2016

Big Hair, Daily Explorer Update, Departing Adventure and Weird Color Spot

Guess what?
It's time for today's update post. So, umm... let's begin! (That was a weird intro, wasn't it? Anyways, moving on.)
The Big Hair is today's new item. That's kinda weird.
Now, here is the Daily Explorer update.
 I was looking in the parties when I noticed Battle for the Beacon is leaving soon. Make sure to play it if you haven't!
Finally, I wanted to show you something weird. In this mountain range found in the top right corner of Appondale, do you see the yellow speck?
It's near the darker, top left corner. See what I'm talking about? Could this be anything in particular? Is AJHQ hinting something?
Well, that's all I have for this post. I'm going to be updating the template, so come back soon. I'll see you guys later!

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