Thursday, December 11, 2014

Daily Post #33

Hello Jammers! I couldn't find anything new today :l 
But, today's Jamaaliday gift, is the Snowflake Decorations! 
(Sorry about the Horrible Image XD) 
Also, all entries for being a Judge on The Taste Of Animal Jam are due tomorrow! 
And another thing, voting for my Christmas Fashion Show, (go to Contests/Giveaways tab) is closing tomorrow! Two people will be eliminated. 
And, the best part, The AJ Spring's Christmas Party is SATURDAY at 2:00 PM Central Time!!! 
And, the best news, we are almost to 2,000 VIEWS! 
I will be having ANOTHER Party soon! 
And, I have been having some Drama with the username Royalfeather036. 
He has sent mean things to all of Arcticpenguin661's buddies, including me. 
However, this doesn't affect me, though it does my buddies! 
So far, we're not really sure what's going on. I will keep you updated. 
Finally, here is the daily Video! O3O
Hope you enjoyed today's post, come to my Christmas Party, and keep viewing!

1 comment:

purple said...

Oh cool,what will the party time be for AJ Whip? I follow its time just changing the pm or am...