Thursday, December 18, 2014

Daily Post #40, New Updates on Animal Jam

Hello Jammers, big Post ahead!
Firstly, I'll announce that for me, tomorrow is the final day of school before Christmas Break!
16 whole days for Animal Jam! Or anything else that comes to mind like Writing or reading.
And, it's snowing here! :D 
Now, moving onto today's updates! 
Kinda Cool? Except most of the things in the Update we already knew about :P
Okay, today's Jamaaliday gift is the Giant Ornament!

Now, this is the new clothing item! 
Now, look at  all these amazing items!

And I just realized, Christmas is ONE WEEK AWAY! 
Now, look at the Voting on the Daily Explorer! 
Vote for your favorite comic, and we'll find out who wins soon enough! 

Make sure to vote before December 23, and your favorite might win! 
Look at all these people at Coral Canyons hopping on the bridge! 
It still didn't break :l 
Another few announcements, The Voice of AJ Finale is Saturday at 12:00 PM Central time  at Noon! (Not the night one) Feel free to drop in and watch it! 
And The Taste of AJ premieres on Sunday, at 5:00 PM Central Time! If you're a judge, try to be online at that time! 
Finally, the AJ Spring Christmas Party is on Sunday, at 12:00 PM Central Time at Noon! (Not the night one) 
I hope you can all make it to these events, and now it is time for the Daily Video! 
I hope you enjoyed it, until next time!


purple said...

Nice post. My winter holidays already started from the 18th!

arcticpenguinII said...

My winter break starts this Saturday .. I'm gonna die of boredom ... sixteen days with n0othing to do but annoy my brother ... I'll admit that's pretty fun