Sunday, March 6, 2016


Well, Animal Jam has been updated. Here's the best part of Jamaa Township: 
P.S. I know it was updated days ago but I just never posted anything about it. 
Anyways here is today's new item. 
THE ALMOST BRUIZER BLANKET! No, just kidding, it's the Clover Blanket. I have to admit that AJHQ is finally being nice! An item that isn't just for girls and it's not 1,000,000,000,000,000 gems.
I titled this post Randomness well, for no reason. Because I couldn't think up anything else. (I could've done Clover Blanket + Updates in Jamaa but no thanks, I feel like being creative today)
I think that's all for now, maybe I can post something later. Maybe. Because every time I say that, nothing is posted later- so I could be jinxing myself. I will NOT post later. (And since I was jinxing myself, it means I will post later) Well, at least I hope so. Because I could jinx myself from saying that I won't post later and I really won't post later. But who cares? It's not like saying I will post later will help at all. You know, just forget this whole paragraph, I don't even know anymore.

I hope you enjoyed this post, I will or will not post later! (I think I know why this was titled Randomness now.) 
Goodbye from the other side..........

1 comment:

Unknown said...

First :P Also I changed my blog to "Aj's Forest Of Creative!" Heres a link:

- Your insane and cookie eating friend, meeper2.

( I have no idea why I called it "creative" when well, the community isn't that great, is it.. )