Sunday, March 27, 2016

Rares Experiment

Here's just a little experiment I put together. It's called the "if you like rares say I" experiment. Hope you enjoy!
Result 1:
Result #2:
(Sorry, my textbox faded away, but one person said "I I I")
Result #3:
Result #4:
Now, that was the end of this experiment, but don't feel offended if you "like rares" or "don't like rares". This experiment was made just for fun, and I myself still do enjoy collecting rares every once in a while. I just wanted to see how many people would say I. If you enjoyed this little experiment, comment below if I should make more. I think I'll interview people on what the LEAST rarest item is in their opinion later. Anyways, hope you enjoyed, and keep checking back for more posts because it's still the Marathon!

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