Sunday, October 30, 2016

40,000 Views! Thanks SO Much!

Guys, I am so thankful or this! We reached 40,000 views!
I never expected to get this far. In my first year of Blogging, I had barely gained any views and always thought I'd be unsuccessful. The second year, however, I've gained tons more views! I've learned that the more years you blog and the more posts you have, the more views you'll get. I'm glad that you guys enjoys my blog and continue to come back and read the posts on it. If it weren't for my viewers and friends, I'd have no reason to blog. I love to entertain you guys and meet new people! Blogging is such a fun experience, and all of my friends support me through it. I'm glad you're there.
Alright, now... remember that party that goes on today?
Well, since this blog has now reached 40,000 views, I'm adding in something special. There will be a giveaway of a Beta Mat.
I don't know how I will decide the winner yet, but you'll find that out at the party. So yeah, the party is now about 3 different things: The Halloween/Autumn season, 2 Years of Blogging AND 40,000 views.
Now, moving on to the second part of this post. Here is the newest item in stores!
There's another spooky item that's been released, and if you want this, visit Jam Mart Furniture.
Now, here is the Daily Explorer Update.
 I was looking for the Message in a Bottle today, but I found absolutely none. Sorry for that! I think some days there is one, but others there might not be.
Well, that's about all for now. There should be another edition of A Jammer's Dream coming soon. And don't forget about the party today at 12:00 PM Central Time! I'll see you guys later.

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