Sunday, October 30, 2016

Reacting to Old Posts Part 2!

Just for 40,000 views, I thought I'd make much more posts today. So, I'm back again and for this posts, I'll be reacting to old posts yet again. I don't remember the last time I did it, but I remember that I did make a post like this. So, are you ready for part 2 of reacting to old posts? Let's begin!

Post #1: GLITCHY AND LAGGY UGH. (December 2014)
This post is pretty hilarious to me today. I remember when this happened, too. I was hosting a Dirty Santa, or Christmas, party at my den. But all of a sudden my laptop began to freeze. Then, somehow, AJ crashed and I couldn't get back onto it. I managed to post about my glitches... but the way I said it is just so youthful. I always cringe at my old posts because I was so stupid back then. Hey, at least I didn't make videos with my face and voice in them like Julian2 did! He was pretty embarrassed in his reaction videos.

Post #2: Party Cancelled, Nobody showed up :( (December 2014)
Yes, here I am again making fun of my 2014 self. In this post, I seemed really childish again. I really hate the way I acted back then, but I still have so many good memories from 2014, despite so many bad things happening. But look in the comment section. My name used to be "PengyPenguin AJ". Woah... just woah. The cringe is real. Even my current name is better, and I thought my current one was bad.

Post #3: AJHQ and their "bright" Ideas (December 2015)
This post is a little more modern, but it's still nearly a year ago. I feel like the best and worst posts all occur in December every year. Anyways, in this post, I was currently having a rares phase. I was constantly trading because I had nothing better to do during the Thanksgiving-Christmas period. (I had many school days off.) But, a little before Christmas break, AJHQ released some den betas. And I was extremely angry when they did this. Now, looking back at the post, I just laugh at it. That's the last rare phase I've had. I don't really care for them as much anymore. I still cared more about my buddies then, but I guess rares still got to me at the time.

Okay, that's all the posts I'll be reacting to today. I hope you enjoyed this post, and if you can relate, I hope you don't have as many embarrassing posts as I do! Until the next post, I'll see you guys later.


Lostfairy said...

Heh, I have an embarrassing-ish post. XDD

I did it a couple of months ago. I was talking about how I saw someone acting like Aparri. I KEPT CALLING APARRI A GIRL!!!! I THOUGHT APARRI WAS A GIRL! XDDD

Starlynn said...

"PengyPenguin" XD That name is perfection.

Also, I love the new background!
I went back and read some of my older posts yesterday and.. the grammar.. I just.. the grammar..

Penguin55544 said...

XD, imagine Aparri as a girl though...

And yes, PengyPenguin AJ. The memories.