Saturday, October 1, 2016

Night of The Phantoms Has Returned!

That time of the year has returned... Night of the Phantoms is back! There are so many updates I have to post because of my absence. Let's start off with the newest item, though.
As I looked in stores, all of the Halloween Items are out. But I'll post the rest later in the updates I missed post. For now, here is the Jamaa Journal Update.
 Honestly, I never even thought Pet Phantoms would come.
 I still think the Epic Haunted Manor is a ripoff because it's just an improvement of the original one. Know what I mean? But, anyways, Bitter Sweets is back, and it's one of my favorite adventures. I've already played it and I'll post some prizes later.
 Yay, another Non-Member feature! And the other new feature isn't really that big to me.
 Game Invites is like the ones you used to play buddy games, but now you can invite them to play arcade games. Interesting, but what's the point of the Sol Arcade then?
 The name options are something I didn't expect. And seriously.. swaggy and kawaii. Somebody's been watching Aparri's videos... :cough: AJHQ :cough: (Anyways, let's move on from that subject.) The Phantom Vortex has returned, and it is super fun! I'll be posting prizes for that, too.
 I find it funny that Snow Leopards are travelling when it's getting colder outside. Know what I mean? And Polar Bears are back, but I rarely see anyone use them.
 The Haunted Forest party is back! Yes! I'll be posting about it later. Then, World Animal Day is coming. Cool!
Last but not least, there's AJHQ's advertisement they always "add" in their updates. Aren't my puns just amazing?
Guys, this update is actually better than some of the past ones. There's many new things, like the Game Invites, Adventure Updates, Pet Phantoms, new name options, etc. And then all of the returning favorites are here, too. I like this update.
Now, it's time for the latest Daily Explorer Update.
 There's once more thing I'd like to show you in this post. Since Night of the Phantoms is here, there are new decorations around Jamaa.

I like these decorations; they're unique and it's one of the few times Jamaa is fully decorated. Oh, and wait... I just realized something. There's a huge event coming for the blog. On October 10th, The Animal Jam Spring will be two years old. And that means a party! The party won't be on the exact day because the 10th is a Monday (cries), but it'll be on a date close to it. So, here is the invitation.
There you have it! That's all I have for this post, but I'll see you guys soon with many more updates, prizes posts, AJ Community Posts and more. Bye guys!


Anonymous said...

Wow, cool! My birthday is on October 11 so it's really close to the party!

Starlynn said...

Halloween is on a Monday too. =( I'll try to make it but, Im really bad at getting to events on Saturdays. Its the busiest day for me.

Penguin55544 said...

That's cool your birthday is close to the party! Also, Sky, I know how you feel. I'm usually busy on Saturdays so I had to schedule the party before lunch. Usually by 12:30pm I'm going places around town. So yeah, you're not alone.

Swirlshine said...

That Wizard Hat better make you think of me. XDD

———- said...

Wait... 10:45 am, what timezone?

Penguin55544 said...

XD how did I forget that? It's central time.

Swirlshine said...

Got it!