Saturday, October 29, 2016

Spooky Chair, Daily Explorer Update and Today's Message in a Bottle

Hey guys! I'm back again and today is finally the weekend. I really wish it was Thanksgiving break right now, but i guess that'll ave to wait for a few more weeks. Anyways, let's begin today's post. Here is the newest item in stores, the Spooky Chair.
This item is cool... but adds to how unrealistic AJ is. Know what I mean? 
And the next thing is pretty obvious.
 This is an interesting experiment and you should try it. I think I've done something similar to it in Art class. 
Finally, I was searching Crystal Sands today and I found the Message in a Bottle! I didn't find one yesterday, but today I was in luck. It was located in Eastern Crystal Sands.
Here is the prize I got from it today:
Now I'm wondering if every prize from these bottles will be a type of portrait. 
Finally, here is another reminder for the party tomorrow. I hope you can come!
Now it's time for me to go post on the AJ Community. I might post later, so come back soon! Bye guys!

1 comment:

Swirlshine said...

*Examines Zios painting*

DARN! It DOESN'T show what he is. ):l