Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Heart Hat, Daily Explorer Update and Loch Ness/Lucky Castle Den Comparison

Hey guys! Happy Valentine's Day 2017!
That was kinda cheesy, but I'll pretend like it never happened. So today is Valentine's Day. Honestly, I don't really like it. It's so... awkward. 
But moving on. Here is today's new item:
Last year, I bought a bunch of these because I thought they might be the next "Glossy Cupid Wings". Lol
Now, here is the Daily Explorer Update today.
 Recently, I was looking at a picture of the Loch Ness Lake. Then when I switched to the Lucky Castle Den, I noticed something similar between the two.
Here is a picture of the Lucky Castle den's background:
Then, here is the Loch Ness lake:
See anything similar? I do. I believe that the background in the Lucky Castle den was based off of the Loch Ness.
Anyways, that's all for this post! Enjoy the rest of your holiday. I'll see you all later.

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